Author's Note

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Heyo! Thank you soso much for reading Unexpected Events. I wanted to make this story shorter than I usually do in hopes of the writing being better and maybe the story line feeling more put together but chances are I didn't achieve that. I also wrote my first full blown smut scene so that's something I suppose. (If you know me in real life no you don't.)
All of that aside I really hope you enjoyed this story. I promise I try to make these stories as interesting as possible but even though I'm an art major I have close to no creativity or imagination, hell I don't even have motivation so I struggle lmao. I also couldn't figure out how to end this book for the life of me so that's fun. But yeah, if there are extra chapters of something you'd want me to add lmk and I can write them up. Ok I'll stop talking now, see you in the next one. :)
- C.L.

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