Time Alone pt.2

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                                 *smut warning*
   (I'm not the best at smut, gimme a lil slack.)
"Where are we going?" I asked as Hizashi eagerly led me down the street.
"I heard that there was a firework show tonight, I wanted to go watch them with you." Hizashi replied, when he looked back I saw he had a slight blush on his face. I smiled as he led me farther and farther down the street.
After a while we finally arrived at an open area with a huge crowd of people. Multiple people were sitting on the ground while others stood around them. Hizashi and I found a less crowded spot and sat on the grass. Hizashi threw an arm around my shoulder and I moved closer, taking in the comfort of his embrace.
The fireworks started a few minutes later, I noticed Hizashi's eyes light up at each burst of color. I smiled and rested my head onto his shoulder, watching the fireworks fill the sky. When the fireworks were finished Hizashi helped me off of the ground and we started to head back to the apartment. "Mr. Aizawa? Mr. Yamada?" I heard somebody say behind us.
   Hizashi and I turned at the same time, finding Bakugo and Kirishima standing behind us. Kirishima had a wide grin on his face while Bakugo was standing behind Kirishima, avoiding any contact with Hizashi and I. To be fair I kind of did the same thing, slightly stepping behind Hizashi. "Kirishima! Bakugo! How are you guys?" Hizashi asked, knowing I didn't want to deal with human interaction.
"We're good! I noticed you guys and wanted to say hi, what'd you think of the fireworks?" Kirishima replied, his smile never fading.
Hizashi matched his energy perfectly, "They were awesome! Fireworks never cease to amaze me. What about you guys? You kids have fun?"
"We did! Though Bakugo would never admit to having fun with me." Kirishima replied, looking back at Bakugo who just scoffed.
I hid slightly more behind Hizashi, he noticed this instantly and laughed, "I'm sorry to cut this short but I'm pretty sure Shota's tired and wants to go home. Have a good rest of your night boys, get home safely!" Hizashi said, waving goodbye to Kirishima and Bakugo before leading me back to the apartment. I leaned against him gratefully as we walked back. I like my students, don't get me wrong, but I'm not meant for outside interaction with people. I can handle teaching people in a classroom, but outside of that I'm a lost cause.
   When we got back to the apartment Hizashi threw himself onto the couch, looking over and smiling at me. "Did you have fun tonight?"
   I nodded, "I did, though tonight's not over yet." I replied, smiling back and walking over to him.
   "What do you me-" I locked our lips together, cutting Hizashi off before climbing on top of him. I felt Hizashi smirk and he wrapped his arms around my neck, leaning deeper into the kiss. Our tongue's began fighting for dominace, Hizashi quickly winning.
   As the kiss got more and more heated I felt Hizashi start to stand up, positioning me so my legs were wrapped around his waist, his hands under them for support. He walked us into the bedroom while never breaking the kiss. He threw me onto the bed, quickly climbing on top of me. He resumed the kiss and started to remove his shirt while I started to unbutton mine. I positioned myself so I could throw my shirt to the ground then quickly moved my hands to the back of Hizashi's neck.
Hizashi moved his lips from my mouth to my neck, his teeth starting to nip at the skin, a soft moan escaping my lips. I felt Hizashi start leaving a scatter of marks on my neck before moving farther down my chest. He traced the light scars on my chest and smiled at me, "You're so beautiful, what did I ever do to deserve you?"
I pulled Hizashi back towards me, crashing my lips onto his. I started pulling on his pants, Hizashi quickly moving to undo the belt on mine. Once my pants were off he got up, removing his and grabbing lube from the drawer. He got back on top of me, placing his thumbs inside my boxers and reconnecting our lips. He started to slowly move his hands farther and farther into my boxers, tracing his fingers against my skin in a way that sent shivers down my spine.
"Don't tease me Hizashi." I said, my breath shortening. Hizashi smirked, and pulled a condom out of his pocket. "Don't waste the time, you know I'm on T and the pill. That's enough precaution, just fuck me already."
Hizashi complied, quickly sliding off my boxers and pouring lube onto his fingers. He started off with one finger, slowly adding another one a few minutes later. He bent and moved his fingers, another moan escaping my lips. "That feel ok?" Hizashi asked.
   I nodded, "Perfect, don't stop." Hizashi added another finger. A few minutes later he pulled out his fingers, pouring more lube onto his hand. He prepared himself and then slid inside, Hizashi connecting our lips before starting to move. As he picked up the pace I felt pleasure start to course through my body.
   Hizashi moaned as I started to rock my hips with his, our bodies completely in synch with eachother. "I'm close." Hizashi whispered in my ear.
I moved my hands to his back, gripping onto him, "Me too." Moments later I felt Hizashi come inside me, I followed shortly after. Hizashi pulled out and collapsed next to me out of breath, pulling me into his arms. I cuddled close to him, resting my head onto his chest.
"I love you Sho, so much. I truly don't deserve you." Hizashi said, wrapping his arms tighter around me, burrying his face into my hair.
"I love you too Hizashi. You existed, that's what you did to deserve me." I replied, my eyelids starting to get heavy. I heard Hizashi say something but I couldn't make it out, my brain was numb and sleep took me over only seconds later.

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