Epilogue: 9 Years Later

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"One last push Mr. Aizawa, you're almost done." Hizashi squeezed my hand as I did what the midwife instructed. A few moments later I heard crying along with the doctors talking amongst themselves and to Hizashi. I was sort of in a daze for the next however many minutes it took to finish everything up, only snapping out of it when the midwife came over to me. "Congratulations, she's perfectly healthy." She said, placing my daughter into my arms.
   "Have you chosen a name for her?" A different doctor asked me.
   I nodded, "Eri. Aizawa Eri."  The doctor thanked me and left the room, writing something down.
   Hizashi pulled his chair as close to the hospital bed as he could, looking at Eri with bright eyes. "She's so beautiful." Hizashi said, a wide smile on his face.
   "She is, she's perfect." I replied, holding Eri close to me. After about 15 minutes the doctors came to do the last couple things they had to before handing her back to me and letting our family in.
Hitoshi was the first one in the room, climbing up on the bed and getting as close as possible. Oboro followed close behind him. "Careful Toshi, your dad's sensitive right now." Hizashi said, concerned.
"Yeah you have to be gentle on him, he's an old man now." Oboro joked.
Hitoshi's face turned to panic as he backed up a little, "Sorry dad, did I hurt you?"
I smiled and shook my head, "You didn't, come sit down over here." I replied, patting the open spot next to me. Hitoshi carefuly crawled over, sitting as close to me as he could.
When he noticed Eri in my arms he smiled, "Is that my little sister?" Hitsohi asked.
I nodded, "It is, would you like to hold her?" Toshi's face went from excited to unsure.
"What if I hurt her?"
"You won't, you just have to be gentle. Hold your arms out, I'll help you hold her properly." I said. Hitoshi held his arms out and I carefully moved Eri into his arms, positioning his arms so he was properly supporting her. "See? You're a natural."
Hitoshi's eyes lit up as Eri looked up to him. "Hi Eri, I'm your big brother." Hitoshi said, an excited smile on his face. I put my arm around Hitoshi, holding him and Eri close.
"Damn, the kid's better at this than I am, and I helped raise him." Oboro scoffed, crossing his arms.
Hizashi and I laughed. "That's cause you're an idiot." I said, Oboro snapping his head to look at me.
"Am not, I just don't think sometimes." Oboro replied, looking down at the ground.
A couple minutes later my parents walked into the room, smiling when they saw Eri in Hitoshi's arms. "You're already such a good big brother Toshi." My mom said, walking over and kissing his head. Hitoshi laughed but never removed his focus from his hold on Eri.
"You holding up alright Sho?" My dad asked.
I nodded, "It's weirdly easier the second time." My parents both laughed before pulling up chairs next to Hizashi and Oboro.
"It's beacuse now you're-" Oboro started, Hizashi quickly covered his mouth.
"Don't even think about it. There's 2 children right there." Hizashi said, making Oboro laugh.
"Yeah yeah, I get it. No adult jokes. You guys are no fun." Oboro joked. The remaining conversations of the night mainly revolved around Eri and Hitoshi. Hizashi and I also pestered Oboro as he said he started dating somebody recently, though he refuses to tell us who.
   When visiting hours came to an end my parents took Hitoshi home with them, though he was upset that he had to leave us and Eri. Oboro left directly after them, messing with Hizashi right before he actually left. After they were gone the doctors came and took Eri, taking her to wherever it was they kept and monitored the babies. Once it was just Hizashi and I Hizashi climbed into the hospital bed with me, holding onto me. "You alright?"
"I'm just thinking about what my parents would think of our lives." Hizashi replied.
"What brought that on?" I asked, knowing Hizashi didn't like talking about his parents. They died when we were in highschool, he almost never spoke of them since.
"Eri. She has my mom's hair, it made me think of her. I started wondering if she would be proud of me and the life I've made for myself. We've come so far these past few years, you know? Our teaching careers are going great but so are our pro hero careers. I just- I don't know." Hizashi sighed, resting his head on my chest.
I slowly started to rub Hizashi's back, "I know they'd be proud of you. It's just like you said, you've accomplished so much. How could they not be proud of you?"
Hizashi looked up at me, smiling. "I love you Sho."
"I love you too Hizashi, so much." I replied, kissing the top of his head.
   Hizashi and I just layed in eachothers embrace for the next however many minutes. I thought he had fallen asleep until he started talking again, "Do you regret anything? Like, if you could go back in time is there anything you would want to change?"
   I knew my answer immediately, "Definetly not. There may have been times where I was unsure of something and we've had a couple unexpected things happen to us, but thinking back I wouldn't change a thing. If I did we may not have the life we have now, you know? I think all of the decisions we've made led us here, if I went back and changed something we may not have our happily ever after. What about you?"
   "I wouldn't want to change anything either. I think our lives are perfect as is. I wouldn't want to risk messing anything up." Hizashi replied, leaning more into me.
"Our lives really are fairly perfect, aren't they?" I asked, staring up at the ceiling, the memories of Hizashi and I's lives flashing through my mind.
"They are. 2 kids, an amazing husband, and a couple dumbass friends, it doesn't get any better than that." Hizashi replied, closing his eyes.
As Hizashi drifted off I stayed up, just reviewing everything that led me here. In this messed up world I somehow ended up with the best possible outcome I could ever imagine. It's a one in a million chance and I can never figure out how I got so lucky. I'm not special, I'm not rich nor do I have any kind of advances in life. I'm just somebody that took a chance back in high school with a loud blonde, that loud blonde later becoming the thing that changed everything.

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