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"You're sure you want to do this today Sho?" Hizashi asked, his arms slung around my waist.
   I turned so I was facing him, "I think so. It's getting harder and harder to hide it, I need to get it done and out of the way." I replied, sinking my head into his chest. "Just please be there with me, I need you."
Hizashi pulled me closer, "Of course, I'll be with you every step of the way love." Hizashi and I stayed in bed a few more minutes before getting up to get ready for work. As I slid on my jumpsuit it definetly became aparent that I can't hide this much longer, I'm almost 5 months and my costumes already starting to feel tight. It's also becoming even more obvious by the week that I'm putting on weight.
I walked into the kitchen and gathered what I needed for cereal. As I was pouring the cereal into a bowl I felt a pair of arms slide around my waist, taking place underneath my abdomen. I looked over my shoulder to see Hizashi resting his head on my shoulder, slowly moving one of his hands around the entirety of my abdomen. "Hizashi-"
   "Ignore me. Keep doing what you're doing." Hizashi said, digging his head into the crook of my neck.
   I sighed as I felt the baby slowly start to move around. "I hope you're happy, you woke up the brat and now I have to deal with it."
Hizashi laughed and kissed me on the cheek before backing away, "Fine fine, I apologize. I'll let you be." Hizashi said, walking over to the coffee machine. I finished putting together my cereal then sat down at the table, turning my attention to trying to get the baby to stop moving. Over the past couple weeks they've gotten more active, it feels like they move every other minute.
   After about 5 minutes they finally settled down enough for me to be able to eat. Oboro walked into the kitchen as Hizashi sat down with his coffee. "Good morning guys." Oboro said, grabbing something from the cabinet then taking his spot at the table.
As I was about to take another bite of cereal I felt a heavy pressure on my rib, making me jump. "Fucker-" I said under my breath.
Hizashi stood up and rushed to my side, noticing that I was now craddling my side. "Sho, are you ok? What happened?"
"The brat just kicked me in the ribs." I complained.
   I looked over and Hizashi's eyes were glowing, "They kicked? That's the first time isn't it?"
   "Love that that's what you're worried about." I sighed.
   "You know I love and care about you Sho, but this is another milestone. It's important!" Hizashi said, wrapping his arms around me.
   "Yeah Sho, it's important." Oboro laughed.
   "Shut it Shirakumo, I don't need this shit from you." I replied, making him laugh more.
Hizashi moved one of his hands down to my abdomen, probably hoping to feel a kick. His wish was granted as a few minutes later I felt another kick, though this time it wasn't in the ribs. Hizashi shot his head up, a wide smile on his face, "I felt it!"
"Good for you. I wish I didn't, it's uncomfortable." I replied, going back to what was left of my cereal, Hizashi staying where he is. When I finished I got up, Hizashi looking slightly disappointed. I put my bowl in the dishwasher then went to sit on the couch until Hizashi and Oboro were ready to leave.
As we were pulling into UA I turned to Hizashi, "Can we do it now? I'd rather get it out of the way before I have class with them later."
Hizashi nodded, "Of course, I'll just come with you before going to my room then." Hizashi said, parking the car. We parted ways with Oboro and started heading to my classroom, Hizashi had his arm around me the entire time. When we got outside the door I took a deep breath, looking at Hizashi who gave me a look of encouragement.
   With that I walked into the room and headed towards the front, Hizashi close behind me. "Mr. Aizawa, what's Mr. Yamada doing here?" Kirishima asked.
   "He's probably here cause Mr. Aizawa's getting too fat to do anything on his own." Mineta chimed in, multiple of the students yelling at him.
   "Quiet, please. I'm getting to that. Mr. Yamada's here because I need to discuss something with you guys, just so you're aware. I'm only going to be able to be here to teach you guys for another 2 months-"
"Wait what? Why?" Ashido asked, standing up.
"Ashido please sit back down. I'll be taking a temporary leave in about 2 months but I should be back in time for you guys to start your second year." I said.
"I'll be taking leave along with Mr. Aizawa." Hizashi added in.
"But why?" Midoriya asked.
"We'll be taking leave because I'm pregnant, we'll need our main focus to be our child for a while." I replied.
   The class was silent until a loud squeal came from Ashido who again stood up. "So you and Mr. Yamada are a thing? I knew it!!"
   "Congratulations sirs." Multiple of the students ended up saying.
   "Hold it! Am I the only one confused about how the hell he's knocked up? He's a dude!" Mineta screamed.
   "Who cares? Our teachers are having a baby! It's so exciting!!" Ashido said, glaring at Mineta.
Hizashi laughed and threw an arm around me, "We definetly teach an interesting group of kids." Hizashi whispered to me, smiling.
"Yeah, we do." I replied, a small smile creeping onto my face. When things finally calmed down I moved on with homeroom, taking attendance and then sending them off to their first class.
   When the class left I threw myself into my sleeping bag and sunk to the floor, Hizashi climbing behind me and leaning me back against his chest. "That wasn't so bad, right?"
"I guess it could've been worse." I replied, sinking farther into Hizashi's embrace.
We stayed like this in the corner of the room for a while. I was about to fall asleep until Hizashi started getting up. He gently layed me down against the wall, "Sorry Sho, I have to go so I can be on time for class. I'll see you after school alright?" I nodded and Hizashi placed his lips onto mine before leaving. When he was gone I curled up on the floor, my thumb slowly rubbing circles on my abdomen. I closed my eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep until it was time for class.

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