Day Out pt.2

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"The mall? Why are we here?" I asked.
   "Clothes shopping. You said your clothes barely fit right? It's only a matter of time until mine don't either, I'm not that much bigger than you Sho." Hizashi replied.
   I looked at him, "Seriously? You had this in your plans and still forgot I was pregnant this morning?" I scolded him, crossing my arms.
   Hizashi quickly opened the car door, "Oops look at that, we gotta go. Look at the crowd, wow." Hizashi said before closing the door. I sighed and got out aswell, sticking close to Hizashi as we walked through the mall.
Hizashi tried going into a maternity store but I stopped him, grabbing his arm. "We are not going in there, fuck no." I said.
"No. We're going to a normal clothing store and just getting big hoodies. Either that or I'm going to the car and driving myself home." I replied, standing my ground. Hizashi gave in and we started heading to a normal clothing store. He grabbed a shopping cart and we starting heading to the hoodie section.
   I started walking through the aisles, looking at different things that I'd consider wearing, most of them being plain black or gray hoodies. "Grab like, 7-8 hoodies, that way you have clean ones for throughout the week." Hizashi said, noticing I only had 3 in the cart. I looked back at him and just went back to grab duplicates of the hoodies I already had.
   As we went to the pants section there were a couple tshirts I grabbed to sleep in seeing as I was starting to get hot easier. We got to pants and I grabbed some bigger sweatpants along with a couple pair of shorts to go with the tshirts. When I finished I threw everything inside the cart. "That all you want?" Hizashi asked, looking at the plain clothes in the cart.
   I nodded, "That's all. I'm only going to need these for the next few months, it's not like I need a lot." I replied, shrugging. Hizashi nodded and we headed to checkout. Hizashi payed for everything then we left the store.
   "I'm pretty sure there's another baby store if you wanted to go there." Hizashi suggested.
   I nodded, "Yeah, let's go." I responded. We walked around the mall until we found the store. I knew what I wanted to look for so I started looking around for the section.
   "Baby carriers?" Hizashi asked, walking up behind me.
   I nodded, "It's something we're going to need so I wanted to get one while we're here." I responded, looking at the different ones they had. I found the one I wanted, handing it to Hizashi as I went to a different section of the store. I grabbed a couple toys and books I found and then went off to find wherever I left Hizashi.
   I found him texting someone on his phone. I walked up to him and we went to the checkout counter to pay. Once we paid we walked back out to the car, loading everything into the car. "Anywhere else we're going or can we finally go home?" I asked.
"There's one more place actually." Hizashi said while backing out of the parking spot. I sighed and sank into my seat, looking back out the window.
"Hizashi, why the hell are we at the beach?" I asked, slightly annoyed. All I wanted was to go home.
   "Just come with me on a short walk, yeah?" Hizashi asked, his eyes pleading. I gave in, Hizashi getting out of the car and me following. He grabbed my hand and started walking down the beach with me. "You remember our first date?"
   I looked up at him, the memory flooding back to me. I smiled, "Of course I do idiot. You brought me to the beach and ended up doing nothing but get hurt. You got pinched by multiple crabs and almost drowned in the ocean trying to show off, how can I forget that?"
   Hizashi laughed, "I can hope. Though I'm surprised you still went out with me after that, I thought I blew it." Hizashi said, looking down at the sand.
   "Honestly it somehow made me fall in love with you more, I'm not sure how but it did." I replied.
   Hizashi wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I'm happy it did, I'm so happy we have this life together. I mean, look at us. We've been together for what, 5 years now? We're having a baby, working at UA, and I don't think I've ever been happier. Who ever would've thought we'd end up here?"
   "Where's this all coming from?" I asked, looking Hizashi in the eyes.
   Hizashi stopped walking. He stepped in front of me, taking my hands in his. "Sho, ever since we became friends at UA you've changed my life. Back when we met I just found myself floating around and hoping that somebody would want to be friends with me and see me as someone other than that loud blonde that somehow gets on everybody's nerves. I didn't think I'd have 2 friends that mean the world to me, let alone one of them going out with me. You've changed my life forever and make my everyday life so much better."
   Hizashi slowly sank to one knee, one of his hands reaching into his pocket while his other still held my hands. "Aizawa Shota, will you marry me?" Hizashi asked, holding out a small box with a ring inside.
Tears started flowing down my face, "Y-You're serious?" I asked, barely able to grasp what's happening.
Hizashi smiled and stood up, tears running down his face aswell. "Of course I'm serious Sho, I really want to marry you. I want to be able to call you my husband."
I nodded my head, "I want to marry you too, so badly." I replied, throwing my arms around Hizashi.
I heard Hizashi's crying start getting louder. "I-I'm so happy Sho. So, so happy." He let go of me and grabbed my hand, sliding the ring onto my finger. It was a pitch black band with a small red gemstone in the middle.
"It's perfect Hizashi, everything is perfect." I said as Hizashi placed his hands on the sides of my face. He pulled me towards him again, connecting our lips. He moved his arms down and around my waist, my own arms are around his neck.
"Congrats guys, I told you he'd say yes." I heard somebody say as they walked towards Hizashi and I. I pulled away and looked over and seeing Oboro walk over, his phone in hand.
"Hizashi asked me to come here and take pictures. Who am I to say bo to being my best friend's engagement photographer?" Oboro asked, a wide smile on his face.
I couldn't stop the laugh from escaping my lips. "I love you idiots, I can't imagine my life without you guys." I said, taking in the imagery of Oboro and Hizashi standing around me. These 2 changed my life forever by forcing me to join their friend group. Without them I don't even know where I'd be. I'm forever grateful for their friendship and the life they've given me. I've never felt so lucky to have people in my life, especially idiots like them.

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