Almost Done

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   I was one week away from being at full term. I'm currently at a point where I refuse to leave bed unless I absolutely have to. Hizashi's learned not to argue with me on this as it will never turn out his way, I'll fight him for hours on this. I do often force Hizashi to stay with me, not wanting him to leave and it usually works. Only occasionally does he actually get up when I ask him to stay, and that's usually when he has to go do something.
This was one of those times. "No, stay with me, please?" I begged, grabbing onto Hizashi's shirt.
Hizashi sat up, placing a hand on my head and moving my hair out of my face. "I have to go finish up something in Toshi's room Sho, I'll be right back afterwards." I pouted but let him go, pulling the blackets closer to me as he got up.
Hizashi came back a couple hours later, poking his head through the door. "Sho, are you awake?"
I slowly looked over at the door, "Yeah?" I responded.
Hizashi completely came into the room, walking to my side of the bed. "Come with me for a second." Hizashi said, starting to pull the covers off me.
"Why? I'm comfortable and don't want to move." I protested.
"I want to show you Hitoshi's room, it's finally finished." I gave in at that, interested in what Hizashi and Oboro have been doing. Hizashi helped me up then we went to the room. "Close your eyes." Hizashi said, stopping at the door. I hesitated but did what he said, Hizashi walking over to cover my eyes and carefully guide me into the room. "Alright, open them."
I opened my eyes and started looking around the room, my heart skipping a beat. It was perfect, the walls were a really light blue that was almost the color of Oboro's hair and had light purple diamonds going around the room. The crib was in the corner of the room with a bookshelf right across from it, a changing table and dresser on the other side of the room. I looked back at Hizashi, holding back tears. "Hizashi, it's beautiful."
"You like it? Really?" Hizashi asked, his smile widening.
I nodded, "I do, I love it."
   Hizashi walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm so glad Sho, Oboro and I worked hard on it. Now everything's ready for when Hitoshi gets here." Hizashi said, placing his hands on my abdomen.
Hizashi and I stayed in Hitoshi's room for a few more minutes before going back to our room and lying back onto the bed, me wasting no time to cuddle up to Hizashi. "What do you think he'll be like?" Hizashi asked as he messed with my hair.
   "As long as he isn't loud like you I don't care. I can barely stand you and Oboro, I don't need another loud person in the house." I replied.
Hizashi laughed, "You know you love having us around."
"You hurt my eardrums."
"Fair enough. What about his quirk? Do you think he'll inherit one of ours or get a combination of them?" Hizashi asked.
   I thought about it for a minute before answering. "I think a mixture of our quirks would be kind of interesting. My only hope is again that he doesn't get your quirk."
   "So essentially as long as he isn't like me?"
   "I kind of want him to have your eyes, they're pretty." I replied.
Hizashi was about to say something when there was a knock on the door, Oboro walking inside seconds later. "Hey, I know Sho doesn't like moving right now but you guys should come watch a couple movies with me, please?"
I wanted to object but didn't, knowing that this is probably one of the last chances we'll be able to do this kind of thing before Hitoshi's here. "Fine, give us a couple minutes and we'll be out." I said, Oboro thanking me then running out to the living room.
   "Yet you complain when I want you to do something." Hizashi scoffed.
   "Shut it, let's just go yeah?" I responded, Hizashi helping me get up. We got to the living room and sat on the couch opposite of Oboro. "So what'd you drag me out of the room to watch?"
"Look! I found a horror movie value pack while I was out shopping. I figured it'd be fun to watch it with you guys." Oboro said, holding out the dvd set to me.
I looked to see what movies were in there, it was esentially the godfathers of horror, Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm Street. I shrugged and handed it back to Oboro, "Go ahead and play it." I said. Oboro's smile lit up as he ran to put the first dvd in.
   "You're being weirdly lenient, are you alright?" Hizashi asked, putting an arm around me.
   I nodded, resting my head against his shoulder, "I'm just in a mood to hang out and watch movies, that's all." I replied. Hizashi just smiled and pulled me as close to him as he could.
   Oboro finally got the movie playing and sat back down on the couch, his attention instantly drawn to the screen. I didn't mind horror movies all that much, though Hizashi on the other hand couldn't handle them all that well. Throughout the entire movie he was jumping and clinging to me.
   When the first movie ended it was around 6pm we all opted for ordering pizza. Once the pizza order was in Oboro was being impatient, like he hasn't seen these movies before, and refused to wait for it to get here to start the next movie. The second he hung up the phone Oboro went to play the next dvd and then sat back down, yet again getting lost in the movie.
Oboro was so focused that he never even heard the pizza guy knock on the door. Hizashi had to get up and go pay him seeing as Oboro's attention span wasn't big enough to focus on anything else but the movie. He only noticed the food was here when Hizashi stepped in front of him, blocking his view of the screen. Hizashi messed with him a little bit and then came back over to me.
The remainder of the night was essentially just Hizashi clinging to me every second of the last 2 movies with Oboro off in his own world. When the last movie ended Hizashi and Oboro cleaned everything up and sent me off to go to sleep, which for once I had no complaints. I slid under the covers and found a comfortable position, closing my eyes and drifting off, not even noticing when Hizashi came in the room.

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