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Today was the date of my 4 month appointment. Hizashi and I weren't going into UA because of it, meaning I'd be able to sleep in for once. I felt like I needed the rest desperately so it was kind of a wave of relief. I just keep feeling more and more tired as time goes on, though I'm not necessarily sure how normal that is. I'll probably end up asking the doctor about it while we're there.
   It was currently 11am, my appointment was at 12:30 so Hizashi and I were just lying in bed until it was time to get ready to leave. I was lying down so I was facing Hizashi, my arms wrapped around his chest. Hizashi had one arm around me and his other hand rested on my abdomen. Hizashi was slowly moving his thumb, making me feel at ease.
"I think I want to talk to the students about this soon." I said, wanting to talk to Hizashi about this.
"Yeah? What brought this up?"
"I'm not too sure, but I was thinking about it and it's not like I can hide it much longer. The baby's only going to keep getting bigger, I should tell them before it's obvious, right?" I asked, looking directly into Hizashi's eyes.
Hizashi smiled, repositioning his hand so it was cupping my stomach. "I think it's a smart choice. I'm more than happy to be there with you when you talk to them too. Only if you want me to be of course."
"I think that'd help a lot, if you were there I mean. I'm not sure exactly when but I want it to be in the next couple weeks." I replied.
Hizashi nodded, "Of course, I-" Hizashi stopped when I slightly shifted. I felt a small fluttering feeling in my abdomen, catching me off guard. At first I didn't think it actually happened, but then I felt it again.
"I think the baby's moving." I said, placing a hand next to Hizashi's. About a minute later I yet again felt it. "Can you feel it?"
  Hizashi pouted, "I don't think I can, this is so unfair."
"It's probably still too early for others to feel it then, sorry." I sighed, looking up at Hizashi.
"It's ok, I know I'll be able to feel them eventually." Hizashi let go of me, leaning down and planting a kiss on my abdomen. He placed his hand back on it seconds later, "I love you so much kid, I can't wait to meet you."
I laughed at him, "You're such a nerd." I said, making Hizashi pout again.
He sat up and crossed his arms, "I apologize for being excited about this."
"You're lucky it's cute, otherwise I'd be weirded out." I replied, looking over at the alarm clock. "It's 11:45, we should start getting ready for the appoitment." Hizashi agreed and we went to go get changed. When we were both ready we went to Hizashi's car and took off to the clinic.
   When we got to the clinic I signed in and Hizashi and I went to the waiting room. We were there for about 15 minutes before we got called back. "Aizawa Shota?" the doctor called out, Hizashi and I getting up to follow her back. "How are you feeling?" She asked once we were in the room.
   "Fine, just unusually tired." I replied.
The doctor laughed, "Don't worry, that's normal in some pregnancies. I wouldn't worry too much about that." I relaxed a little bit and nodded, taking her words to be true. She sat me down in a chair then put Hizashi next to me. She pulled a machine towards us and turned to me, "Pull your shirt up for me please, then we can get started."
I did as instructed and the doctor placed the gel on my stomach shortly after, spreading it out with the wand. She turned on the machine and started moving the wand around, stopping when the figure I've come to recognize as my child appeared on the screen. I felt Hizashi grab onto my hand as the doctor started talking, "Everything seems to be going well. The baby's growing normally and looks completely healthy. Their heartbeat's at a normal pace, there's nothing that I can say is going wrong."
   I heard Hizashi ask the doctor something but I wasn't paying attention to them anymore. I was too busy just staring at the monitor, losing myself to my child's heartbeat. I got snapped out of it when the doctor turned off the machine and left the room. I looked over at Hizashi who smiling at me, "You alright Sho?" He asked, moving a few strands of hair out of my face.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just got distracted." I replied, wiping the gel off my abdomen and pulling my hoodie back down.
   The doctor came back into the room a couple minutes later, handing me pictures from the ultrasound. "I've scheduled you for a month from now for your next appointment. I should be able to tell you the gender of the baby at your next appointment. Any questions or concerns?"
   Hizashi and I both shook our heads no so she left, Hizashi and I getting up and heading home right after. When Hizashi and I walked inside Oboro was sitting on the couch, his focus put into whatever he was watching. He snapped his head when Hizashi closed the door and smiled, "Welcome back, how'd everything go?" Oboro asked, leaning back into the couch.
"Everything's going great, Sho and the baby are both perfectly healthy." Hizashi said, wrapping one arm around my shoulders.
Oboro's smile widened, "That's good to hear." Hizashi went over to Oboro, ultrasound pictures in hand. He sat down and started showing them off to Oboro while I took a spot on the other couch, lying down seconds later.
Hizashi walked over to me, leaving the pictures with Oboro. He placed a blanket on top of me, pulling it up to my shoulders. "Take a nap Sho, I'll wake you up later." Hizashi said, planting a kiss on my temple. I nodded and he went back over to Oboro, going right back to their earlier conversation. I placed my arms gently around my abdomen and closed my eyes, drifting off to the sound of Hizashi's voice.

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