New Normal

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   It's been a few weeks since Hizashi and I were able to bring Hitoshi home. It took quite a while for us to figure out how we're supposed to do some things and how to rotate taking care of him so we both weren't completely exhausted, but we did end up figuring it out. Oboro helps us out every now and then but I feel bad letting him help at all simply because Hitoshi isn't his responsibility.
I was currently sitting in the living room, Hitoshi in my arms wrapped up in the blanket the girls in 1A made for him. Weirdly enough Toshi barely cries, the only times he ever does is when he's hungry or when we need to change his diaper. Other than those times he's quiet. I've learned that Toshi also already enjoys sleeping a lot, he also cries if Hizashi or I wake him up to check on him or something like that.
Hitoshi was passed out in my arms when the apartment door opened, Hizashi and Oboro walking in mid conversation. I looked back at them and put a finger to my mouth, "Toshi's asleep, be quiet." I said in a low voice. They quickly lowered their voices, being careful as to not wake Toshi up. Hizashi and Oboro were quietly putting things away in the kitchen when Hitoshi started to slowly open his eyes.
   I was scared for a second that he didn't wake up on his own and he would start crying but when the crying never came I relaxed a little. "You awake now?" I asked Hitoshi before moving one of my hands to the side of his face. This is another thing I've learned, for some odd reason he likes it when you do this. It always makes him smile for some reason. This time was no different, a smile quickly appearing on his face and his soft laughter filling the room.
This quickly gained Hizashi's attention, him quickly coming over to us. "We didn't wake him up, did we?"
"I don't think so, he's been out for a few hours so he probably woke up on his own." I told Hizashi, who breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hey kiddo, you have a good nap?" Hizashi asked, holding a finger out to Hitoshi. Hitoshi reached out and grabbed Hizashi's finger, making him laugh again. "I'm taking that as a yes."
   "Shouldn't you finish helping Oboro? You kind of just left him." I said, Hizashi quickly running back to help Oboro. I looked down at Hitoshi who was looking at me with big eyes, "Don't be like your dad kid, he's a mess."
By the time Hizashi and Oboro came back into the living room I was on the floor playing with Hitoshi. My parents bought him a play mat the had things built onto it that Toshi adored. Hizashi came and sat next to me on the floor while Oboro sat on one of the couches. "He always seems so fascinated in that thing." Hizashi said, sliging one of his arms around my shoulders.
   "He really does, I wonder what he loves about it so much." I replied. I put my focus back on Hitoshi as he reached up to grab one of the toys, missing and falling over my arms, which were around his waist for support, and started to cry. I fully picked Hitoshi up and started to gently rock him in my arms. "Shh, it's alright Toshi."
"Is he ok? Is he hurt?" Hizashi asked, crawling up right next to me.
"He's fine Hizashi, relax. He just fell over my arms trying to grab something, he's not hurt." I replied, continuing to rock Hitoshi who was slowly calming down. It took about 10 minutes for Toshi to completely calm down. As he relaxed he fell asleep, passing out in my arms. When I realized he was asleep I carefully stood up and carried him to his room, gently placing him in his crib and covering him with a blanket, ensuring he was still asleep before leaving the room.
When I got back to the living room Hizashi was on the couch opposite of Oboro. I sat down next to him, trying to figure out what him and Oboro were talking about. I was unsuccessful. I spent the next 5 minutes just listening to Oboro and Hizashi talk about some tv show they saw. Their conversation finally finished and Hizashi put his arm around me, "Toshi asleep?"
   I nodded, "Yeah, I was able to put him to bed without waking him up." I responded, leaning into Hizashi.
"I knew you guys would be good parents." Oboro said, a slick smile on his face.
"Yeah yeah, you're all knowing." I sighed in response.
Oboro laughed, "I am, I'm a true genius. I thought you knew this."
"Ah yes, how could I forget." I rolled my eyes.
"Careful Sho, you're gonna boost his ego." Hizashi added.
Oboro crossed his arms, "Hey! I don't have an ego." Oboro responded, pouting.
"You're just loud, both of you are." I said, earning both of them to glare at me. I shrugged, "It's true and you both know it."
   "I-" Hizashi got cut off by cries coming from Hitoshi's room.
   "That didn't last long." I sighed, getting up to go check on Toshi. When I went into Hitoshi's room I went straight to his crib, picking him up and holding him against my chest while gently moving back and forth. "Calm down kid, everything's ok."      
   When Hitoshi didn't stop crying I decided to try feeding him thinking he was hungry. This worked, telling me I was right. I turned around when I heard the door open, Hizashi walking in, "Is he ok- He was just hungry?"
   I nodded, "Yeah, he's good." I replied. "You don't always have to come every time he starts crying you know, I don't want you to tire yourself out."
   "I know but I can't help but worry. We've only had him for a couple weeks, you know? I'm just always scared that somethings going to happen." Hizashi said, a sheepish look on his face.
   I smiled, "I completely understand what you're saying, I'm the same way. I've learned that I tend to worry about nothing a lot though, realizing that's helping me calm down a lot when he cries."
   Hizashi nodded, "You're a lot better at this than I am. I feel like you're going to end up being a lot more cool headed and relaxed than I am."
   "You'll adjust, it just takes time." I said, looking Hizashi in the eyes.
   "Yeah, you're right. I just have to be patient." Hizashi replied. I felt Toshi move away from the bottle, telling me he was done eating. I held him against my shoulder to burp him and then lied him back down in his crib, talking to him until he fell back asleep. Once asleep Hizashi and I went back into the living room, spending the rest of the night either taking care of Toshi or watching tv with Oboro.

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