Day Out pt.1

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   "Sho, wake up. Sho."
"What?" I asked, slowly starting to wake up. I opened my eyes to see Hizashi standing over me. "Hizashi?"
"Come on, wake up." Hizashi said, slowly starting to pull the covers off of me.
I grabbed them, "No it's cold. Why do I need to get up?"
"Because I have plans, let's go." Hizashi replied, fully yanking the covers off of me.
I was about to fight but Hizashi grabbed my arms and pulled me up a little too fast. "Ow! Are you trying to kill us?" I asked, placing a hand on my abdomen.
Hizashi stepped back, "Ah sorry! I forgot."
"How do you forget? You know what, nevermind, it's you." I sighed, slowly getting up. "Is there a dresscode for whatever you want to do?"
"I- No, just dress comfy." Hizashi said.
"Cool, I'll meet you in the living room." I replied, walking over to the closet. I grabbed one of Hizashi's hoodies as they're bigger than mine and a pair of his sweatpants. I quickly changed clothes then went out to meet up with Hizashi.
   "Ready to go- You're wearing my clothes?"
   "Mine barely fit me anymore, the brat's getting too big. Yours are bigger and fit me, simple solution." I replied.
   Hizashi smiled, "Right, you ready to go?" I nodded and Hizashi led me out to the car. The car ride was silent. I just sat there, looking out the window and slowly running my thumb over my abdomen.
   Hizashi pulled into the parking lot of a place I didn't recognize. I looked over at him, confused. "Where are we?" I asked.
   He just smiled at me, "You'll see when we get inside, come on." Hizashi said, getting out of the car. I followed suite, walking behind him as he walked into the building.
   "Hello, welcome!" The lady standing at the counter said. Hizashi walked up to her so I followed. I was too busy looking around to notice what they were saying, I was caught off guard when Hizashi grabbed onto my arm.
   I quickly threw my arm in front of me for protection, quickly realizing it was Hizashi and lowering my arm. "Sorry Sho, didn't mean to scare you. Follow me." He said apologetically. I nodded and followed Hizashi throughout the building. He stopped in front of a door, opening it and signaling for me to go inside. I did so, my eyes widening when I noticed what was in the room.
   "Is this-"
   "It is, I thought you might like it." Hizashi said as I walked farther into the room, Hizashi closing the door behind me. Inside were 3 cats and a couple bean bag chairs around a small table. "I was looking up cat cafes and found this place, figured you might enjoy it more seeing as it had private rooms you could go in."
I sat on the ground, one of the cats walking up to me. I gently starting petting the cat, trying to quickly win it over. I'm fairly sure I succeeded as the cat was quick to start purring, rubbing the side of it's face against my side. Hizashi walked in front of me and handed me a piece of paper. "Look through it and figure out what you want, get anything." He said, giving me a smile before walking off.
I used one hand to continue petting the cat and used the other to look through the menu. I told Hizashi what I wanted and then put my full attention back to the cat, another one walking up to me seconds later. "I thought you hated fruit smoothies." Hizashi said, writing something down.
   "Blame your kid and these stupid cravings." I scoffed. Hizashi laughed and went to place something outside the room. He then sat next to me on the floor, the final cat walking over to him.
Hizashi and I sat on the floor, just talking and playing with the cats for a solid 15 minutes before there was a knock on the door. Hizashi got up and brought in a tray, telling me to move to one of the bean bag chairs. I slowly got up and walked over, the first cat following me. I sat down, Hizashi handing me the sandwich I ordered and setting down the smoothie I wanted on the table.
The first cat jumped onto my lap once I finished my sandwich. It layed down and started purring as it rubbed it's face against my abdomen. As I was petting the cat I looked over and saw the other 2 were swarming Hizashi. The cat headbutted my abdomen, the baby shifting in response. I felt a small smile creep onto my face at the interaction, my soft spot for cats shinning through.
   "Having fun Sho?" Hizashi asked, leaning over to pet the cats sitting at his feet.
   I nodded, "It's calming, we should get a cat." I replied.
   "Sho we're about to have a baby."
   "And? They aren't coming for another 4ish months, we can get a cat in that time." I said, looking down at the cat in my lap.
   "The timing isn't the problem, it's the money. We still have so many thing we need to buy for them and we should be saving up for when the baby gets here before a cat."
   I pouted, "But I want a cat."
   Hizashi sighed, "How about this, after the baby gets here and we have enough money we'll get a cat if Oboro's ok with it, fair?"
   I thought for a moment then nodded, "Fair enough." Hizashi and I stayed with the cats for a while longer until he forced me out of the room, heading to the front desk to pay the bill. Once the bill was payed we went back to the car, me already missing the cats.
   "Ready to go to the next location?" Hizashi asked, looking over to me.
    I looked back at him, confused, "There's more?"
   Hizashi smiled, "Of course there's more. Who do you think I am?"
   I sighed, turning back to look out the window, "Off the next spot then."

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