Visiting Home

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I slowly sat up, reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing my phone. I looked at who was calling me and saw my mom's contact pop up. I answered the call, holding the phone to my ear, "Mom?"
"Shota! How are you sweetie?" My mom asked.
"I'm fine, how are you?"
"I'm doing good. I wanted to know if you and Hizashi wanted to come over for dinner tonight. I haven't seen you boys in quite a while so I thought it'd be nice to get together."
I sighed and started rubbing my abdomen as I felt Hitoshi start kicking, "Yeah, sure. I'll talk to Hizashi whenever he wakes up." I replied.
"Are you sure you're alright Sho? You sound upset." My mom asked, concern in her voice.
"I'm sure mom, I'm fine."
"If you're sure. You know you can talk to me if something's going on."
"Nothing's going on mom, I'm fine." I replied.
"Alright, see you tonight around 5?" My mom asked.
"Yeah sure, sounds great. I'll see you tonight mom." I said before hanging up. I sighed again before lying back down, my arms wrapped around my abdomen. "Come on Toshi, go easy on me."
I noticed Hizashi roll over, his eyes locking with mine. "He moving again?" Hizashi asked, placing his hand next to mine.
I nodded, "He won't stop fucking moving." I complained, moving closer to Hizashi. Hizashi moved his hand underneath my shirt, gently moving his thumb across the firm skin. "Before I forget we're going to my parent's tonight. My mom called and invited us over."
   Hizashi nodded, "I like your parents, I'm excited to see them again." It took a minute for Hizashi to realize, "They don't know you're pregnant yet."
   I laughed, "They don't. I didn't want to tell her over the phone so I'll just let them find out when we get there. They don't know we're engaged either." I replied.
   Hizashi's face fell a little, "I feel bad that we don't keep them in the loop of things. I feel like we maybe should've at least told them that they're going to be grandparents."
   "Maybe, but at least they'll know at all. We've been busy anyway, we haven't had the time to go see them and I don't think this is something that should be told over the phone or text." I said, the relief of Hitoshi calming down setting in.
   Hizashi noticed him calmed down aswell, moving his hand from my abdomen to my cheek, leaning over and kissing my forehead. "I suppose. I'm sure they'll be excited."
   I agreed, leaning in to connect Hizashi and I's lips. Hizashi and I stayed in bed until it was time to leave for my parent's house, just lying together and talking about random things, mainly including talk of Hitoshi. When it came time to leave I threw on my usual hoodie and sweatpants, though this time I examined myself in the mirror, wanting to know how obvious it is that I'm pregnant.
   I turned to the side, the hoodie still hid everything surprisingly well. I ran my hand over my abdomen, that making it obvious as the fabric folded under my hand. If you look closely enough you can tell but it isn't completely obvious. I wondered if my mom'll be able to tell. I went out to the living room where Hizashi was already waiting and we went out to the car to head over to my parents'.
As we pulled into my parents' driveway I saw my mom standing outside, waiting for us. She walked over to the car as Hizashi and I got out. She went to Hizashi first, wrapping him into a hug. Then she walked over to me, her purple hair and eyes shining in the light. "Hi baby, it's good to see you." She said as she wrapped me in a hug. She quickly pulled away and looked down, pulling up my hoodie. My mom's hand flew over her mouth, tears starting to fill her eyes, "Sho-"
"Surprise? Sorry for not telling you." I said, my mom wrapping me into another hug.
"I'm going to be a grandma? Oh we have to go tell your father!" My mom said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the house. "Honey! Guess what!!"
"Huh? What? Oh, hello Shota, Hizashi." My dad said.
"Look!" My mom yelled out, yet again pulling my hoodie up.
My dad looked at me and then looked over at Hizashi, his eyes wide. "You're pregnant?"
I nodded, "I am, I'm 5 and a half months in." I replied.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" My dad asked, coming over and pulling me into a hug.
I shrugged, "I didn't even know if I was going to keep him, it didn't really come to my mind until mom called me earlier."
"Him? It's a boy?" My mom asked.
"Yeah, his name's Hitoshi."
"Oh Shota, that's a beautiful name. I'm so excited to meet him. I'm going to spoil him rotten." My mom replied, tears flowing down her face.
   "Sit down, yeah? You shouldn't be on your feet for too long." My dad said, holding a hand out towards the dinner table. I nodded and sat down, my dad going back to cooking as Hizashi took a seat next to me. My mom and dad carried on conversation about Hitoshi, asking questions about how everything's been these past couple months.
   Once my dad finished cooking him and my mom placed everything on the table, Hizashi helping them as they resfused to let me help. "So what else has been going?" My mom asked.
   Hizashi smiled, "Shota and I got engaged not too long ago."
   "You didn't tell us this either?" My dad asked.
   "You really keep us out of the loop of everything, I'm hurt." My mom said, dramatically clutching her shirt over her heart.
   I sighed, "I already said we've had a lot going on. With getting ready for Toshi and teaching there's been no time."
   My mom smiled at me softly, "I know sweetie, I'm really happy for you guys. How's Oboro doing?"
   "Annoying." I scoffed, making my mom and dad laugh.
    "He's doing well then?" My dad asked.
   Hizashi nodded, "He is. He's been helping us get Hitoshi's room and stuff ready. He's about as excited as Sho and I are."
"That's really good to hear, I always knew he was a good one." My mom replied. For the rest of dinner my mom and dad continued to ask Hizashi and I about things like UA and what we've been doing for Hitoshi's room. Hizashi helped my parents clean up when dinner was finished and we all gathered in the living room, my parents retelling tales from my childhood to Hizashi.
   Time flew by and before I knew it Hizashi and I had to head back. I was practically falling asleep on the car ride home, a wave of exhaustion suddenly hitting my body. It wasn't a surprise that the second we got back to the apartment I went to Hizashi and I's room. With no motivation to change I crawled into the bed, quickly falling asleep.

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