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"Hizashi, wake up. I need to go to the hospital." I cried, violently shaking Hizashi awake. The day prior to tonight I was in constant pain, what I thought were fake contractions hitting me practically every hour. I now understand why.
   "Huh, what's wrong?" Hizashi asked, slowly stirring awake.
   "My fucking water broke." I said, snapping him into action. He quickly got out of bed and grabbed the hospital bag then came and grabbed me. He stopped to grab his keys then continued carrying me out to the car. Once I was in the car he ran to the other side, starting the car and driving off to the hospital.
"Hang in there Sho, I'll get you there as quickly as I can." Hizashi said, holding the hand that wasn't wrapped around my abdomen. Hizashi held my hand the entirety of the car ride, letting me squeeze it however hard I needed to and constantly doing his best to keep me focused on him rather than the pain.
When we pulled into the hospital Hizashi quickly parked the car and grabbed the bag before coming around to get me. He carefully took me in his arms and ran into the hospital, going straight to the front desk. "My fiancé's in labor." Hizashi said to the woman sitting at the desk. She talked to someone on her radio and someone came running out with a wheelchair. Hizashi carefully sat me down in the wheelchair and they ushered me off to a room, Hizashi close behind them.
We got to one of the rooms and they transferred me to a bed, having Hizashi help me take off my clothes and change into a hospital gown. When that was done they hooked me up to a couple machines, injected me with something they said would help with the pain, then checked to see how dilated I was. All why this was going on there was another doctor talking to Hizashi, a clipboard in hand.
   The doctors said I still had a little ways to go so they left, saying they'd come back to check in every 30 minutes or so. The second they left Hizashi was at my side, holding onto my hand. "How are you feeling Sho?"
   "In pain, I'm also tired. This isn't a very good combination." I replied.
   Hizashi leaned over and kissed my forehead, "Just keep hanging in there, you're doing great. Oh, I should probably text your parents and Oboro." Hizashi said, pulling out his phone with his free hand. When he finished texting everyone he turned back to me, yet again giving me his full attention and doing everything he can to comfort me.
   After a few hours the doctors finally came and told me it was time to start pushing. "Alright Mr. Aizawa, I'm going to count down from 3 and then you're going to start pushing, alright?" The midwife asked.
"Yeah, ok." I managed to respond. The midwife did exactly as she said she would and I followed her instructions throughout the process, Hizashi never leaving my side. Time felt like it just wasn't passing, every second was filled with nothing but agony and the sound of Hizashi's voice trying to relax me.
It took a couple more hours before I finally heard the words I've been waiting to hear, "Just one last push, we just have to get his shoulders out." The midwife said. Relief slowly started to fill my body as the midwife counted down from 3. With that final push cries started to fill the room, Hizashi being called over to cut the umbilical cord.
   "What's his name?" One of the doctors asked.
   Hizashi answered, "Aizawa Hitoshi."
   "Got it, Aizawa Hitoshi, born July 1st at 9:36am." The doctor said to Hizashi before walking away. I hazily saw the doctors doing things like cleaning off and weighing Hitoshi before wrapping him in a blanket and walking over to me, carefully placing him in my arms.
   "Congratulations, he's perfectly healthy." The doctor said, Hizashi rushing back to my side.
   I took a good look at Hitoshi who was silently staring at me. He has purple eyes and a small head of purple hair. I noticed he also had a lot of my facial features but at least had Hizashi's nose and eye shape. "He looks a lot like your mom." Hizashi laughed.
   "I know, but I'm not complaining. He's perfect." I replied, noticing Hizashi taking out his phone and taking a picture. "Seriously?"
   "What? These are precious moments! I'd like to cherish this picture forever please and thank you." Hizashi pouted, putting his phone back into his pocket. I just smiled and looked back down at Hitoshi. The doctor did a couple things like check my vitals and give me a bottle with formula to help me feed Toshi before asking if I was ok with my parents and Oboro coming in. I agreed and she went out to get them, they came walking in minutes later.
   Oboro was the first one at my side, running over but slowly enough so he didn't make Toshi start crying. "Sho he's adorable." Oboro said, his eyes shining.
"You want to hold him?" I offered, Oboro quickly accepting. I gently placed Toshi in Oboro's arms, making sure he knew the correct way to hold him.
Once Hitoshi was securely in Oboro's arms he stood up, his smile widening. "Hey little man, I'm your Uncle Oboro. I can't believe you're finally here." Oboro quietly said to Hitoshi.
While Oboro had Hitoshi my parents came over to me, "How are you feeling Shota?" My mom asked.
"Happy, like really fucking happy." I replied, a smile practically glued on my face.
   After a few minutes Oboro passed Hitoshi off to my mom who showed him off to my dad, "He looks more like me than Sho did when he was born." My mom said, my dad agreed. I layed back farther in the hospital bed, covering my mouth to hide a yawn.
Hizashi noticed this and crouched down, "You alright love?" He asked in a quiet voice.
I nodded, "I'm good, I'm just tired." I replied.
   "Just get some rest then, alright? You went through a lot, I'll take care of everything else." Hizashi said, kissing my forhead.
   I nodded, "I love you." I said, closing my eyes.
   "I love you too Sho." I heard Hizashi say before sleep took me over.

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