One on One

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   The next morning I woke up wrapped up in Hizashi's arms. His alarm went off seconds later, making him roll on his back to turn it off. Once the alarm was off he turned back to me, a soft smile on his face. "Morning Sho." He said, placing a hand on my cheek before placing his lips against mine. Our mouths slowly started moving in synch before the door flew in, Oboro walking in seconds later.
"Hey gu- Ah sorry for ruining the moment, just wanted to let you know breakfast was ready." Oboro awkwardly laughed before backing out of the door.
Hizashi laughed, placing one last kiss on my forehead before getting up, "Let's go, yeah?" I reluctantly got up, following Hizashi to the kitchen and sitting down at the table. After breakfast we went off and got changed for work, quickly heading off to UA afterwards.
   The day flew by pretty quickly and hero training came by quicker than I thought that it would. I had the class change into their hero costumes and come down to the gym. Once everyone got there I began class, "So today I'm doing a test to better understand how your quirks work and how I can better help you improve. One by one you guys will be going against me in 1v1 matches, whether you best me or not doesn't matter, this is just for me to see where you all are as of right now. Any questions?"
A kid with blonde hair, I'm pretty sure his name is Bakugo, raised his hand, "So we're allowed to use our quirks to beat you in any way?"
"You are, I will not be using my quirk in these matches but you guys are more than welcome to in any way you see fit. I will, however, be using my binding cloths if I feel I have to though." I replied. After that there were no more questions so we got started.
I had the kids draw lots to decide what order they were going in, after they got in order the matches began, one by one each student coming after me. After 5 of the matches nobody has yet to beat me, though a couple gave really good efforts, another 5 and the results came up exactly the same. I looked over and saw Bakugo walking up to me. I smirked, feeling that I'd finally be able to have fun with one of these fights.
Bakugo took his stance in front of me as I gripped onto my binding cloths. I gave the signal to begin and Bakugo charged as me. I threw my binding cloths at him but explosions started emitting from his gauntlets, preventing the cloths from getting near him. Before he was able to hit me I jumped back, barely avoiding contact. I started to engage hand to hand combat with Bakugo, needing to avoid his explosions every once and a while.
   The match with Bakugo lasted around 20 minutes, Bakugo standing his ground throughout the entire thing. I was able to finally capture him when he slipped up, attempting to pull of a major explosion which left him wide open. Bakugo was definetly the best fighter in the class but he had his few weaknesses, fix those and he could easily become number 1 if he works hard for it. The rest of the matches flew by, a couple other students catching my eye along the way.
   I sent everybody home for the day and went up to my classroom, wanting to write down a few things from the matches today for plans moving forward. I started with who I thought were the top 5 strongest in the class, Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Kaminari. I see the most potential in them, and besides Midoriya I see few flaws in their techniques. Midoriya definetly needs the most work, it seems like he has little control over his quirk and gets messy easily, it's something I want to help him fix as quickly as I can.
   I started writing down plans right after this for each student. I wrote down a guide for each of them on what they can do independently to help themselves and a guide for myself on what I can help them with in class. When I got to the last paper the classroom door opened up, Hizashi walking inside moments later. He smiled and walked over so he was standing behind me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his head on my shoulder. "What are you working on?"
"Plans to help the students improve. I figured out their weak points today and plan on starting to help them improve those weak points." I replied, writing down the last bit of this plan. When it was finished I set down my pen, placing the paper on top of the others and moving them to a drawer. Once I closed the drawer I turned my chair so I was face to face with Hizashi. I placed my hands on the back of his neck, pulling him down and connecting our lips.
   Hizashi let out a small laugh before leaning deeper into the kiss. He pulled back shortly after, smiling. "You ready to go home? Oboro's probably waiting." Hizashi asked, grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet. I nodded, grabbing Hizashi's hand and walking out the door with him. We found Oboro in his classroom then went out to the car to go home.
The second we got back I threw myself on the couch, resting my head on my arms. I felt somebody climb on top of me, wrapping their arms around my waist and placing a kiss on the side of my neck. The person I quickly identified as Hizashi then rested their head next to mine, resting his forehead against the side of my head. We stayed like this for a while before I heard Oboro call out from the kitchen, "As much as I hate to break you two up, it's Shota's turn to cook tonight. He's gotta get up, it's getting late."
I sighed before reluctantly getting up and going to the kitchen, Hizashi taking the position I was in just seconds ago. I went to the kitchen and started cooking, just wanting to finish and go to bed. When the food was done I placed it on the table, Hizashi and Oboro already in their seats. We sat down and ate, talking about what happened at UA today throughout. Once finished I washed the dishes and went to Hizashi and I's room.
   I changed into my night clothes and quickly slid into bed, relaxing into the covers. I heard Hizashi come in not too long after, throwing off his shirt before sliding into the bed next to me. He slid over and placed an arm around me, pulling me close to him. I rested my head against his chest and closed my eyes, softly wrapping my arms around his waist in the process. Hizashi gently placed a kiss on top of my head, my body quickly being taken by sleep shortly after.

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