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A couple weeks have gone by and my anxiety is slowly starting to come back. Every day I have students coming up asking for me to spar with them and I don't know how much longer I can keep coming up with excuses. I've always been willing to have sparing matches with the students if they felt it would help them improve. It's stressful knowing that I can't, even more stressful since I need to keep coming up with new reasons to get out of it.
I realized quickly that I have to talk to Principal Nezu about this aswell. I talked to Hizashi this morning and he agreed to go with me during our lunch break. Time felt like it was going by slower than usual and I hated every second of it. When it came time to go to Nezu's office it felt like I'd been waiting an eternity. Hizashi came into my room right on time, "Hey, you ready for this?"
   I sighed and walked over to him, "As ready as I'll ever be." I replied, starting towards Nezu's office. When we arrived I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. When he called for us to enter I led us inside. "Hello sir, can we talk to you about something for a minute?"
"Of course, take a seat." Nezu said. Hizashi and I took the seats in front of his desk. He looked at us and smiled, "What's going on?"
I looked at Hizashi, wanting him to lead the conversation. He took the hint, "We wanted to come talk to you because Shota's pregnant."
   Nezu looked over at me, "This is true?"
   I nodded, "It is."
   Nezu looked back at Hizashi, "You're the father correct?" Hizashi nodded. Nezu put both of his arms on the desk, connecting his hands. "Does anybody else know? Any of the students?"
   "No, nobody else knows." I replied.
"I see, how far along are you?"
"He's about 2 and a half months." Hizashi said, probably sensing how anxious I was.
"How do you plan to move forward? This is going to impact your teaching and work as a hero." Nezu said.
I nodded, "I know, but I really have no idea how I'm supposed to move forward. It's not like I planned or wanted this to happen right now but it has, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. How am I supposed to tell my students? They keep asking me to train with them and I have to keep telling them no and-"
Nezu cut me off, "Shota, relax, don't stress yourself out. We can figure something out. If you'd like you can take the rest of the day off and I can come by and talk to your students during class today. I won't tell them anything specific but I can tell them you're unable to train with them right now."
"Please do." I requested.
Nezu nodded, "I will, we can discuss things a little more in detail as time goes on. For now the 2 of you should just go home and rest, alright?"
"Right, thank you sir." Hizashi said, standing up.
"Of course, if you have any questions or concerns you can come to me at any time." With that Hizashi and I left and went back to the apartment. When we got back I claimed a spot on the couch and grabbed a couple blankets, wrapping them tightly around me. I the lated down, staring into nothingness.
   Hizashi noticed instantly, coming over and sitting next to me. "You alright Sho?"
   I changed positions so I was lying in the opposite direction, my head resting on Hizashi's lap. "I'm good, just nervous I guess."
   "Nervous? About what?" Hizashi asked, placing a hand on my head.
   "Everything. My anxiety's been through the roof the past couple weeks and I can't calm down."
   "That's not good Sho, is there anything I can do to help?"
   "Just- Hold me for a little bit, please?" I asked.
   Hizashi laughed, "You don't need to sound so shy to ask, I'll always be more than happy to hold you or anything else you may need." Hizashi said, pulling me up so I was fully in his lap, wrapping his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder then put my arms around him and closed my eyes, taking in the comfort being in his arms brought me. Before I knew it I was fast asleep, all my worries ceasing to exist for a moment.
I woke up to what sounded like Hizashi talking, slowly fluttering my eyes open while trying to figure out who he's talking to. After a few seconds I recognized Oboro's voice, meaning that's who Hizashi's talking to. I shifted, noticing I was still in Hizashi's arms. I fully opened my eyes and looked up, meeting Hizashi's eyes. "Hey, did we wake you up? Sorry."
I shook my head, "No, you're good." I said, stretching my body out.
"Since you're up now you can make dinner, it's your turn tonight." Oboro said.
I sighed, "I'm not getting up, no way in hell." I replued, burrying my head into Hizashi's chest and wrapping my arms around him tightly.
Oboro laughed, "You're weirdly clingy lately, you've never been so cuddly towards Hizashi in front of me. Whatever though, he is your boyfriend. Hust choose some place and we can order out."
   That made me think a little, Oboro was right, I've never been this clingy before. Was it hormones? Honestly I didn't care, I like being close to Hizashi. It makes me feel safe. "We should get sushi." I said.
   Oboro gave me a strange look, "Huh? Now I know there's something wrong, you hate sushi. What's going on with you?"
"I've just been craving sushi, that's all." I said, anxious.
Oboro laughed, "What are you, pregnant or something?" His face fell when Hizashi and I didn't laugh. Oboro's face went completely serious, "Wait- Sho, are you pregnant?" I slowly nodded my head, trying to pull Hizashi closer. "Why didn't you tell me?" Oboro asked, his face slightly sad.
   "I-I've been really anxious. I wanted to get rid of it at first but changed my mind a couple weeks ago, I've just been too scared to tell people."
"Aw Sho, I'm happy for you, I really am. I know you have Hizashi and he's taking care of you but don't hesitate to ask if you need me to do anything, alright?" Oboro said, a wide smile on his face.
I nodded, giving him a small smile, "Thank you."
"Of course! You're my best friend. I'm happy to help you however I can." After this Oboro and Hizashi ordered the food while I relaxed on the couch, still refusing to move. Once the food arrived Oboro, Hizashi, and I spent the rest of the night talking and watching movies, later departing to go to sleep for the night.

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