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   It was the next week and the day Hizashi's made the ultrasound appointment. I've been anxious all throughout today, so much that it's starting to affect my teaching. I was fairly certain I wasn't keeping it but I couldn't get Hizashi and what he would think out of my head. Would he be mad at me if I went through with it? He probably would.
   "Mr. Aizawa? Are you alright?" Somebody asked. I looked up to see the class looking at me, concern on their faces.
   "Y-Yeah I'm fine, sorry." I said before continuing the lesson, I didn't even realize that I zoned out. I did my best to remain focused on class for the remainder of the day, taking my mind completely off Hizashi and the baby. Or, at least the best I could manage to.
   When class ended a couple of the students came up to check up on me but I just said I was fine, wanting them to leave so I can go get this appointment done and over with. Once they were gone I went to Hizashi's room, finding him at his desk grading papers. He looked up, his smile growing as he saw me, "Hey! Just give me a couple minutes and we can head over." Hizashi said, quickly going back to grading.
I waited in the corner of his classroom the entire time he finished grading papers, anxiety filling my body. I don't know why I'm so nervous about this but I am, it's driving me mad. As soon as Hizashi finished we went back to the apartment so we can change out of our work clothes then we went to the doctor's. Hizashi signed me in while I went to the waiting area, my anxiety still somehow growing.
   "Aizawa Shota?" A doctor called out 10 minutes later. Hizashi and I got up and followed her to one of the rooms, her having me sit down in a chair next to a couple machines. "Alright, so this is your first ultrasound right? Do you know how far along you are?"
   "I don't." I said in a small voice.
   The doctor gave me a relaxed smile, "It's ok to be nervous, this stuff's scary. I think every single one of my patients are nervous during their first ultrasound. I'm just going to take a look to see how far along you are and to see if the baby's healthy, alright?" I nodded, avoiding eye contact. "Can you pull up your shirt for me?"
I did as I was told, still trying not to look at her, or Hizashi. The doctor proceeded to place a cold gel onto my abdomen and spread it out with a wand that was connected to one of the machines. I finally looked up when a small heartbeat filled the room. My eyes froze on the monitor next to the doctor, a small blob in the middle of the screen. "That's your baby, by what I can tell you're around 9 weeks. Everything looks good, I can't find anything wrong and the baby's heartbeat's at a normal pace. I think it's safe to say they're healthy." The doctor said, a smile on her face.
   "Sho." I heard Hizashi say. I turned to look at him and noticed he had tears falling down his face, yet he had a wide smile. Something in my mind clicked at this moment, no longer giving me the heart to get rid of the small life growing inside me. "You're crying too, huh?"
   I moved one of my hands to my face and he was right, I was crying. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and looked down at the floor. I heard the doctor slightly laugh, "Do you guys want a picture?" She asked.
   Hizashi quickly answered, "Yes please." The doctor nodded and went to go print the picture. When she was gone Hizashi placed a hand on my shoulder, "You alright Sho?"
   I looked up at him, "Y-Yeah, I'm good. Just, a lot's going through my mind right now."
   Hizashi smiled, "I understand, we can talk about it when we get home if you'd like."
   I nodded and the doctor walked back into the room, handing Hizashi the pictures. He thanked her as she cleaned off my abdomen before turning off the machines. "I scheduled your next appointment for the same time next month, do you have any questions?" I shook my head no and she got up, "You're free to go then, I'll see you next month."
   She left and Hizashi turned to me, a sparkle in his eyes. "Wait, you didn't ask her to cancel? Does that mean-"
   "Yeah, it does." I said, a soft smile on my face.
   Hizashi's wide smile reappeared as he wrapped his arms around me, "I'm so happy Sho, thank you."
   I leaned into the hug, resting my head on his shoulder, "You better not leave me to do this shit on my own, I'm not dealing with this by myself."
   Hizashi laughed, placing a kiss on top of my head, "That's one thing I'd never do. I'll be by your side every step of the way." After that Hizashi and I went back to the car and went home.
When we walked into the apartment Oboro was sitting on the couch, he turned to look at us. "Hey! Where were you guys?"
"We were at the d-" I quickly covered Hizashi's mouth. I didn't want anybody knowing about this yet, I wasn't about to let Hizashi tell Oboro.
"We just went out to do something. We'll be in our room if you need us." I said, pulling Hizashi to the room. Oboro looked at us confused but didn't say anything, he just simply nodded and turned back to the tv.
When we got into the room Hizashi turned to me, confused. "Why didn't you let me tell Oboro?"
"B-Because I don't want anybody to know right now Hizashi. It's kind of embarrassing and I still need to get used to it myself. I've barely accepted that I'm actually pregnant, let alone that I'm keeping it. I need time before people know." I said, wrapping my arms around myself.
Hizashi walked over to me, pulling me close to him. "I'm sorry, I should've asked you if it was alright. Take as long as you need, I understand."
"Thank you." I whispered, moving my arms around Hizashi, placing my forehead onto his chest.
   "Of course Sho, your comfort's my top priority right now." Hizashi replied.
   After a couple minutes I got tired of standing and climbed into the bed, calling Hizashi over to lie down with me. Once he was next to me I wrapped my arms around him, burrying my head into his chest. Hizashi laughed, placing one arm around me and using the other to mess with my hair. "I'm scared. Like, really scared." I said.
   "I am too, though I can't imagine I'm as scared as you are."
   "What if I'm a bad dad? We're only 19, we can't be good at this, can we?"
   "I'm sure you'll be a great dad Sho. We just need to research some things and learn before the baby's here, that's all. We've got what, 7 months? That's plenty of time, we've got this."
   "Yeah, I really hope so."

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