Family Time

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"Hurry up Sho, we're going to be late." Hizashi called out from the living room.
I sighed, feeling frustrated. "You try being 8 months pregnant asshole! It takes me longer to do shit." I called back. Hizashi's been at home with me full time for a little over a month. I've been feeling a lot better and my boredom's practically ceased to exist, but the pregnancy's really starting to kick my ass. Not only am I back to feeling tired all the time but I'm starting to get really bad cramps and Hitoshi's only moving and kicking more, not to mention I can barely do anything myself.
   When I finally finished getting dressed I went out to the living room to meet up with Hizashi and Oboro. My parents have invited the 3 of us over to their house for the day and Hizashi wanted to leave a soon as possible. I got to the living room and we went out to the car, Oboro climbing into the backseat while Hizashi and I took the front.
   We pulled into the driveway, my mom and dad waiting for us outside. The second the car was parked my mom rushed over to the car, opening the car door and helping me out. Once I was on my feet she wrapped me in a hug, "Oh look at you, he's grown so much." My mom said, releasing me from the hug and placing her hands on my abdomen.
"Yeah, that tends to happen." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck, feeling slightly embarrassed. My mom quickly moved on from me and went to greet Hizashi and Oboro. I took this as my opportunity to slip inside before my mom comes back to me.
My dad came inside with me, sitting on the couch opposite of me. "How're you feeling Sho?" My dad asked.
"Tired, just really tired." I said, lying down on the couch.
My dad laughed, "Your mom was the same way when she was pregnant with you, she was tired all the time and slept for 90% of the day."
"That the life I want to be living but Hizashi won't let me sleep all day, he yells at me for trying." I replied as Hizashi, Oboro, and my mom came inside.
"You're overreacting. I don't deny you sleep Sho, I'd just rather you take naps in the living room than be holed up in our room all day." Hizashi sighed.
   I sat up and pointed behind me, telling Hizashi I wanted to lean on him. He took the hit and climbed behind me, leaning me back so I was resting against his chest. "That may be the case but I enjoy my sleep. I'd rather just stay in one spot and stay asleep rather than move and need to fall asleep all over again."
   "You take way too much after me Shota, I'm the exact same way." My mom laughed. "Has he changed at all?"
   "The only thing that's changed about him is he's been a lot more clingy since he first got pregnant. He constantly wants to be held and never wants to be left alone." Hizashi said, playing with my hair.
   My mom and dad laughed, "He really is just like me." My mom said.
   "I'm your son, am I not supposed to take after you?" I asked.
   "You are, I just didn't think you would in this aspect, it's a little surprising." My mom responded. I scoffed, turning my head so it was facing the couch. I heard my mom laugh and start talking to Oboro about something, though I stopped paying attention to them and focused on the feeling of Hizashi messing with my hair and how relaxed it made me feel.
A couple hours passed of back and forth conversation between my parents and Oboro and Hizashi. I barely contributed as I was half asleep the entire time. The fact that Hizashi was rubbing my abdomen wasn't helping, it only made me feel more tired.
   I was practically forced awake when my mom called us into the kitchen for dinner, Hizashi needing to help me off the couch. I sluggishly made my way to the table, a yawn escaping my lips as I sat down. "You're almost due, right Sho?" My mom asked, handing me a plate of food.
I took the plate and nodded, "I'm due in a month and a half I think, it's somewhere around there." I replied.
"It's kind of important to know when you're due, isn't it?" My dad asked.
I shrugged, "I'll figure it out when the time comes." I said, too tired to deal with conversation. Dinner passed with my mom continuing to ask me questions as an attempt to conversate with me, eventually learning to just ask Hizashi as I just give that bare minimum answer.
After dinner Hizashi and I went back to the living room, going back into our earlier position. Not too long after I lied down I felt a sharp pain I've come to recognize as a false contraction, making me curl into Hizashi. Hizashi's learned what they look like and jumped to comfort me, holding me close to him and gently circling his hands on my abdomen. They may not happen all that often but when they do it feels like pure agony, I'm definetly not a fan.
Once the false contraction passed I relaxed back into Hizashi, my parents and Oboro walking into the room. "We should play a game." My mom suggested.
   "No way, Shota and Oboro like cheating, I refuse to play games with them." Hizashi complained.
   Oboro and I started laughing, "Come on dude, you're still salty about that?" Oboro asked.
   "Yeah babe, that was over a month ago. Besides I told you, it was a democracy, not cheating." I added, making Oboro laugh. Hizashi pouted and my parents just looked at us, confused.
   "A movie then?" My mom asked, in which everybody agreed to. My mom put on one of her favorite comedies, though I barely payed attention. I was yet again half asleep, Hizashi's touch slowly making me drift off.
   I must have fallen asleep at some point because I was shaken awake by Hizashi and told that it was time to go home. I slowly got up and said goodbye to my parents before following Hizashi and Oboro to the car. The car ride home consisted of me doing my best to not fall asleep and almost failing. The second we got back to the apartment I changed my clothes and crawled into bed, relaxing into the pillow and drifting off to sleep.

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