It's a-

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   My eyes slowly started fluttering open at the sound of Hizashi's alarm. Today was the day we've been waiting for, the day we get to find out the gender of our child. I slowly started to stretch out my body, feeling Hizashi move to turn off the alarm. Once it was off he turned to me, placing hand on my abdomen and kissing me. "Good morning love."
I smiled, "Good morning." I replied, pulling the blankets off me, feeling slightly overheated.
Hizashi sat up then leaned down, lifting my shirt up and placing a kiss on my bare abdomen. "I'm so excited to see you later today and to finally find out what you are." Hizashi said, replacing his hand on my abdomen and moving it in a circular motion.
I sighed when I felt the baby start kicking Hizashi's hand. "What is your fascination with waking the baby up all the time? Do you like torturing me?" I asked.
Hizashi laughed, continuing to rub circles on my abdomen, though he started moving his hand slower and widened the circles. "I'm sorry love, I do my best not to." Hizashi replied.
   I rubbed my eyes as I accepted my fate of being a human punching bag for the next however many minutes or hours they decide to kick. With Hizashi's failed attempt at getting the baby to stop kicking I slowly sat up, wanting to get ready for the appointment. I walked over to the closet and grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants before going to the bathroom to change.
   After I changed I walked out to the kitchen, finding Oboro standing at the stove. He turned around and smiled at me. "Morning Sho, go ahead and sit down, I've almost finished cooking." He said. I grabbed the carton of chocolate milk in the fridge and a glass from the cabinet before taking a seat at the table.
   As Hizashi came into the kitchen Oboro finished setting breakfast on the table. Hizashi grabbed some coffee from the pot and sat down across from me. "Have they stopped?" He asked as he made up his plate.
   I sighed, placing a hand on my abdomen. "Not really, I'm pretty sure they just like kicking me." I replied, taking a sip of my chocolate milk. Hizashi gave me a sympathetic look and sat a plate of food in front of me.
"It's revenge for all the torture you've put Hizashi and I through over the years." Oboro joked, a smirk on his face.
I glared at him, "The torture I've put you through? You're the people that've put me through torture, making me deal with your bullshit all the time." I scoffed, taking a bite of toast.
Oboro laughed, "Yeah yeah, we're so awful to you."
"You know you love us." Hizashi added in.
I looked between them, "I question it sometimes." I replied.
"If you didn't love me why would you agree to marry me and carry my child?" Hizashi asked, a cocky smile on his face.
"Maybe I just want to be a father and want to marry someone for the inheritance money I'd get from the will." I replied, giving him an annoyed glare.
He gave me a look of defeat, "So mean to me." I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the food in front of me. Once Hizashi and I finished eating we walked out to the car so we can head to my appointment.
   We did the usual routine of me signing in and sitting in the waiting room for about 15 minutes until we got called back. Hizashi and I followed the doctor to the back. She did the usual asking me how I was and then had me pull up my hoodie to put the gel on and start the ultrasound.
   When she found the baby a smile spread onto her face. "Would you like me to tell you the gender now or write it down?
   "Tell us now please." I said, eager to know the gender of my child.
   "Well, you're baby boy's completely healthy. Congratulations."
   A smile spread onto my face and Hizashi wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "A boy, I'm so excited! We're having a boy Sho!" Hizashi said, a little too loud.
   I covered my ear, "Jesus Hizashi, relax." I sighed as the doctor laughed. She wiped the gel off my stomach after writing a couple things down and turning off the machine.
   "I'll be right back with your pictures." She said, leaving the room.
   "Do you know what you want to name him?" Hizashi asked me.
   I looked down at my abdomen, placing a hand on it's center. "Actually I do, the name's been stuck with me for a while." I replied, looking up at Hizashi.
   "What is it?"
   "I wanted to name him Hitoshi." I said, a soft smile on my face.
   Hizashi pushed my hair back, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Hitoshi, huh? I like it, I like it a lot." Hizashi replied.
The doctor walked back into the room and handed me the pictures, "If you have no questions I'll see you in a month. Have a nice day." She said before walking away. Hizashi and I got up and walked back to the car. The entire ride back to the apartment I was looking at the pictures, my hand resting on my abdomen as I thought of what my son will be like.
   When we walked through the door of the apartment Oboro quickly ran up to us like he was waiting for us to return. "So? Do I have a little niece or nephew?" He asked, clearly excited.
   I laughed, "We're having a boy, his name's Hitoshi." I replied.
   Oboro's eyes widened along with his smile. "I knew it!" Oboro said before dropping down to his knees, "Hey Toshi, I'm your Uncle Oboro, I'm so excited to meet you." He said, placing his hand on the center of my abdomen.
  "So you'll let him talk to him but not me?" Hizashi pouted.
   I ignored Hizashi, focusing more on the nickname Oboro already gave Hitoshi, "I like Toshi for his nickname." I said softly.
   Oboro stood back up, "Look at that, I did something useful." He laughed, his smile still somehow growing.
"Don't ignore me!" Hizashi said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. Oboro laughed and walked into the living room before throwing himself onto one of the couches. I kissed Hizashi's cheek then went to sit on the other couch, focusing on whatever it was that Oboro had on, Hizashi joining me shortly after.

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