First Day

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"Sho, wake up. We have to get ready to go." Hizashi said, slowly starting to shake me.
"Go where?" I asked, slowly opening my eyes.
"To UA, we start teaching today. Did you forget already?" Hizashi replied, climbing on top of me, "Now get up, we can't be late." As Hizashi got off of me he grabbed my arm, pulling me out of bed. He pulled me to the floor but I still refused to get up, lying on the cold floor as Hizashi dragged me to the bathroom.
   "I thought we stopped doing this when we graduated." Hizashi pouted.
   "Now why would I do that? We all know your favorite this is dragging me out of bed." I replied, slowly getting up once he let me go.
   Once I got to my feet Hizashi threw his arms around my waist, pulling me towards him. "You're lucky I love you, you know that?"
"Oh yeah? Why's that?"
Hizashi placed one of his hands on my cheek, pulling my face forward and placing his lips onto mine. "If I didn't I would've killed you by now. Go get dressed, we can't be late." Hizashi said, moving away from me and walking out the door.
"Fucking tease." I mumbled, going off to grab clothes and get ready for the day.
   Once I was dressed I went over to the closet and grabbed my yellow sleeping bag, there was no way in hell I was going through this day without taking a nap. I threw it over my shoulder and walked into the living room, finding Hizashi and Oboro already waiting. They looked over when I entered the room, Hizashi's smile fading when he saw my sleeping bag. "Sho, you're not bringing that."
"I am, and you can't stop me. I'm taking a nap whenever I can. Now let's go, you said we can't be late right?" I replied, walking out the door. I heard Hizashi sigh and Oboro laugh at him before they followed me out the door. We loaded into the car and headed off to UA.
When we got to UA Hizashi, Oboro, and I parted ways, going off to find our classrooms. I was in charge of teaching class 1A for homeroom and hero training. When I got to the room I heard voices coming from inside, meaning they were already in there.
I took a deep breath and walked inside, gaining the student's attention instantly. "Why aren't you in your seats? Sit down, class started 5 minutes ago." I said before walking to the front of the room.
   As I got to the front a green haired kid raised his hand, "Um, are you our teacher?"
   "I am, my name's Aizawa Shota. I'll be your homeroom and training teacher." I replied.
"Aren't you a little, uh, young? You look like you're our age." Another boy asked.
I sighed, "That's not important. Introduce yourselves quickly, we don't have all day." After that they started introducing themselves 1 by 1, leaving for their first class when the bell rang. When they were gone I took a breath of relief, pulling out my sleeping bag and taking a nap until I was needed again.
Or at least that was the plan. A little over an hour into my nap the classroom doors burst open, Hizashi coming over to me. "Come on Sho, you can't seriously be sleeping right now."
"I was until you disturbed me, I'd like to get back to my nap." I replied, rolling away from him and closing my eyes.
I felt an arm wrap around my waist and one go under my back, "No way, you have to come hang out with me in the teacher's lounge. Oboro should be there soon aswell." Hizashi said, pulling me up.
"You can't make me do shit, let me go back to sleep. I still have hours until hero training." I complained before being thrown over Hizashi's shoulder, "Put me down!"
"No way, you're coming to hang out with Oboro and I." Hizashi laughed, carrying me out the doors. He didn't put me down until we got to the teacher's lounge, guiding me to a table where Oboro was already waiting. He waved as he saw Hizashi and I approaching.
"So you did manage to drag him out, nice Hizashi." Oboro said, high-fiving Hizashi. I slumped into the chair next to Hizashi, lying my head onto the table and closing my eyes.
   I felt somebody, I'm assuming Hizashi, place a hand on top of my head, slowly moving their thumb back and forth. I wasn't forced to get up this time so for the entirety of break I sat there, resting my head on the table. When it came time for Hizashi and Oboro to leave I did aswell, resuming my nap in the classroom.
   After a while I heard people start to fill the classroom, indicating it was time for hero training. I reluctantly got up and walked to the front of the room, waiting for everybody to sit down before starting. Once they were in their seats I began, "So today I just want to run some simple quirk tests, after they're done you're free to leave, sound good?" Everybody nodded and we headed out to the track field to start.
When we got to the field I explained the tests, starting out with having everybody throw a baseball using their quirks however they needed to see how far everyone could throw it. I followed with a sprint test, a grip test, and a few other different things aswell. Once that was finished I sent the clas on their way, going to grab Hizashi and Oboro so I could go home for the day.
   I found Hizashi in his classroom finishing some work so I waited with him until he finished. When he did we went and grabbed Oboro before going to the car and finally heading home. The second we got back I went into Hizashi and I's room, burrying underneath the covers. A few minutes later I heard Hizashi come into the room aswell, lying down next to me.
   Hizashi put his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. I moved my head so it was resting on his upper arm before throwing my arms around his waist and closing my eyes. Hizashi slowly started running his fingers through my hair, planting a kiss on top of my head. I moved a little closer to him, my forehead resting against his chest. Moments later I faell asleep in Hizashi's comforting embrace.

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