Stuck at Home

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   I was getting tired of this whole being at home all day thing way quicker than I thought I would. It's only been a week and I already feel like I'm going mad. I actually miss waking up to go into UA everyday, I miss my students aswell. I keep telling myself that it's only a week until Hizashi'll be staying home with me but it doesn't help any. I'm learning just how much I really hate being alone, though I guess I'm never really alone right now.
I essentially spend my days sitting on the couch, watching tv, and eating. That's all I feel like I do anymore. When Hizashi comes home I cuddle with him on the couch until it's time for bed and then the cycle repeats. I'm not completely upset over these things but I don't like feeling so unproductive. Oboro and Hizashi do all of the work around the house and in Hitoshi's room and they never let me help with anything. It's awful.
   I was currently in my usual spot on the couch eating a snack of my latest craving, ice cream with lemon juice. Hizashi has been judging me relentlessly for this one and it's honestly completely fair, it's weird. I was also engulfed in this movie I found on a random chanel. I've been doing a lot of flipping through chanels and watching random movies.
I didn't notice Hizashi and Oboro were home until Hizashi wrapped his arms around me, making me jump. "Sorry, I shouldn't have just walked up behind you." Hizashi apologized, kissing my cheek.
"You should make it up to me by cuddling with me." I said, slightly tugging on his sleeves.
Hizashi softly laughed, "You've been really clingly these past few months, it's cute. Let me go change real quick then I'll be back." Hizashi said before walking off. He wasn't wrong about me being clingy, I've noticed that along with everything else I've wanted nothing but to be held by Hizashi or to be near Hizashi. I can't explain why but it always makes me feel so much better and happier when I'm with him.
   Hizashi walked back in about 5 minutes later. I moved so he could lay down. Once he was comfortable I climbed next to him, lying on my side and resting my head on his chest. Hizashi wrapped one of his arms around me and rested his other on my abdomen as I put both of my arms around him, snuggling as close to him as I could.
   Comfort spread throughout my body, making me feel the happiest I've felt all day. I heard Oboro walk into the living room, sitting down on the other couch, "What the hell are you watching Sho?" Oboro asked.
"I honestly have no idea, it's fairly interesting though." I replied, looking back up at the tv to refocus on the movie. Hizashi, Oboro, and I spent the next hour or so finishing up whatever movie it was I had on before they got here. The movie seemed to be a lot better since Hizashi got here.
When the movie finished Oboro got up to go cook dinner. Hizashi offered to help but Oboro insisted that he stayed with me which was fairly appreciated. "How are the kids?" I asked Hizashi.
"They ask about you practically everyday, always wanting to know how you and the baby are doing." Hizashi said.
I smiled, "I miss them. I didn't think I'd miss teaching as much as I do. I still have 2 more months until Toshi's here too, it's going to drive me crazy being away from work."
"Only 1 more week until I'm with you full time. We'll get through this then you can get back to them, alright?" I nodded in response, taking a moment to appreciate how great Hizashi is. He told me a few stories about the students from the past week, making me feel a little better knowing that they're doing well.
   "Hizashi, Sho, dinner's ready!" Oboro called from the kitchen. Hizashi and I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, taking our seats at the table. Hizashi dished out the food as Oboro got up to grab drinks from the fridge. He slid me a water bottle as Hizashi sat a plate of food down in front of me.
   Dinner consisted of Hizashi and Oboro cracking jokes and trying to get me to laugh, which they easily succeeded with. These idiots always manage to find a way to make me laugh and make me feel better, it's reassuring to know that I have people that can do that. After dinner Hizashi and Oboro put everything in the dishwasher, refusing to let me help and sending me to the living room.
Oboro wanted to have a game night so I at least was able to set that up. I chose Monopoly as I knew it would take a while and I didn't want to have to switch to another game later on. As I was finishing setting up the game Hizashi and Oboro came into the living room, joining me around the coffee table where the game board was set up. I handed out the money then we picked our pieces, starting the game.
After a few rounds I had the most properties, though unknown to Hizashi, Oboro and I were working a corrupt system. Hizashi isn't fairly observant so I was constantly sliding Oboro extra money, waiting for Hizashi to notice. It took until all of the properties were gone for Hizashi to catch onto what Oboro and I were doing, I think that says it all.
   I owed Oboro money for a property I landed on, sliding him a $100 underneath. Hizashi wouldn't have noticed but Oboro accidently dropped the money, the $100 flying onto the board. "Wait just a minute!" Hizashi called out, sitting up on his knees, "You've been giving him extra money haven't you?? Is this why he always seems to have endless money? How could you Sho?"
   Oboro and I burst into laughter, Hizashi trying to yell over us. "You're so slow, how have you not noticed until now?" Oboro said in between laughs.
"I apologize for assuming my friends were playing fair rather than trying to screw me over." Hizashi responded, pouting.
"Aw my poor baby, do you need a hug?" I teased. Hizashi nodded and crawled over to me, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head against my chest. I put my arms around him, Oboro and I bursting into laughter again not too long after.
   "You guys are so mean to me." Hizashi said, pulling away from me and going back to pouting.
    I crossed my legs, leaning back on one hand and placing the other on my abdomen, feeling Hitoshi move. "We're not mean, we're running a democracy here. It's important business, right Mr. Shirakumo?"
   "You're certainly correct Mr. Aizawa. He just clearly doesn't understand the importance of positions when it comes to this business." Oboro said, crossing his arms.
Hizashi got up and started walking to our room, "I'm done, you guys just like bullying me." Hizashi said, closing the bedroom door. I looked at Oboro who was already laughing at Hizashi again.
I looked over at the clock, 1am. "It is getting kind of late, we should clean up and go to bed." I said, Oboro agreeing. Oboro and I cleaned up the game and then headed off to our rooms for the night. When I got inside the room Hizashi was already under the covers. I climbed in next to him, cuddling close to him. Hizashi wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. I closed my eyes as Hizashi placed a kiss on my forehead. I fell asleep minutes later.

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