Time Alone pt.1

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"Everybody in their seats, I want to get this done quickly." I said while walking into the classroom. It was the last class of the day and I just wanted to go home and take a nap at this point. "Today's class is going to be short as I want you guys to go back to the dorms and do some independent work."
   I walked around the room, handing each student the sheets I had written up for them. When I got back to the front Midoriya was raising his hand. "Mr. Aizawa? What are these?"
   "I was just getting to that Midoriya. Yesterday's one on ones were for this reason. Once I dismissed you I can back here and wrote these up. On them you'll find ways to benefit your quirks and fighting abilities independently. I have my own copies of ways to help you guys in class but I found this to be an efficient way to help you guys. I want you to go back to the dorms, study the sheets, and impliment what's written into your daily routines. If you have any questions or feel that something needs to be changed or adjusted let me know and I will do so. If there are no more questions you're dismissed." I replied, going to gather my things to leave.
Once the kids were gone I headed over to Hizashi's classroom. I walked in, finding him at his desk working on something. I walked behind him, resting my chin on top of his head, "What're you doing?" I asked.
   "Grading the last of these english tests. I thought you had class right now." Hizashi replied, marking the paper in front of him.
   "Ended it early, I wanted them to go back and work on what I'd written up for them yesterday." I said, wrapping my arms around Hizashi's neck. I bent down and nuzzled my head into his neck, taking in the warmth of his skin.
Hizashi laughed, awkwardly placing a hand on top of my head. "Sho, if you keep distracting me I'm not going to be able to finish."
I sighed, backing away from him and moving to sit in the corner of the room, "You're no fun."
   Hazashi laughed again before turning back to his work, "I'm almost done, just give me a few more minutes then I'm all yours, alright?"
   I let Hizashi finish what he needed to do by taking a nap. When he finished he woke me up and we got Oboro and walked out to the car, me still half asleep. We got back to the apartment and I dragged Hizashi to the bedroom with me, cuddling close to him before closing my eyes and continuing my nap.
"Sho. Shota, wake up." I heard Hizashi whisper and he slowly shook me awake.
I sat up, rubbing my eyes before turning to him. "What do you want?" I asked.
"Get dressed, we're having a date night. I have plans."
"What? But Oboro-"
"Not here, he went to his parent's. This is one of the few times we have the night alone, we should make the most of it." Hizashi said, leaning down and pressing his lips onto mine.
I gave in, "Fine, give me 10 minutes." I replied, getting up and walking over to the closet. I picked out a pair of clothes and went to the bathroom. I changed clothes and brushed out my shoulder-length hair, checking myself in the mirror before going out to meet up with Hizashi.
   Hizashi's smile grew when he saw me walk up to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist before kissing my cheek. "I'm honored that you brushed your hair for me, you ready to go?"
   I nodded and Hizashi took my hand, leading me out the door. We ended up walking into town, Hizashi leading me the entire time. He finally stopped when we arrived at a well known restraunt that was known for being expensive. "Hizashi-"
"Let me treat you tonight Sho, I've been saving up some money so that I could bring you here. I finally have enough and thought that tonight would be a good opportunity. Please?"
Hizashi looked at me with pleading eyes. I yet again gave in. I sighed, "You know I can't say no when you look at me like that." Hizashi's wide smile returned and he led me into the restraunt. He gave the host his name and we were led to the back of the restraunt in a somewhat secluded area. The host left us menus then walked off.
I started looking through the menu, panic slowly starting to spread through my body as I read the prices. I looked up, "You're sure about this?"
Hizashi let out a light laugh, "I told you, I want to treat you tonight. I'm 100% sure about this. What's wrong with wanting to treat the love of my life to fancy stuff every once in a while?"
I felt a smile appear on my face, a small laugh escaping my lips, "You're such a nerd." I heard Hizashi's own laughter as I turned back to the menu, the waitress coming by minutes later to take our orders. After she left I looked around, noticing a couple people looking at Hizashi and I. We were somewhat well known new heroes so I guess this shouldn't be all too much of a surprise. We got popular during our work studies, we could've been really popular full time heroes if I hadn't convinced Hizashi and Oboro to become teachers with me.
   "Hey Hizashi? Do you regret not becoming a pro?" I asked, curious.
   He looked at me confused. His face then softened into a smile and he took my hand in his, "I don't. We're still technically pro heroes Sho, we can still go out and do hero work you know. We have liscences, teaching's just our top priority. But to answer what I think you're asking me, the answer is no. I'm happy that you convinced me to be a teacher with you. I find that I actually enjoy it a lot. I'm fairly certain Oboro feels the same. This is the right path for us, I can feel it."
The waitress came back with our food minutes later. Hizashi and I talked about memories we had from high school. We reminisced on how we met and how we met Oboro, talking about how things might've turned out if we had done things differently. When the waitress came back with the bill Hizashi payed without letting me see the price. He then stood up, taking my hand before leading me out of the restraunt and back onto the city streets.

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