Going Back

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Toshi is currently a little over 3 months old, meaning I was finally able to go back to teaching at UA. Nezu's conditions were that I waited at least 3 months after Hitoshi was born and to be in good enough shape to stay caught up with the students, which I think I am. Hizashi and Oboro have been training with me to get me back into shape for over 2 months. I'm not where I was before I got pregnant but I'm still fairly in shape, especially for just giving birth a few months ago.
When I woke up I felt like I practically ran out of bed. I'm kind surprised at how excited I am to finally go back to teaching, I wasn't expecting it. I went to the closet to grab my hero costume then went to the bathroom to change, walking out happy that it fit me again. Once I finished changing I went to Hitoshi's room, walking to his crib to find him awake. A smile spread onto his face when he saw me.
I picked him up and carried him to the changing table, knowing he needed a clean diaper and also that I needed to change him into a different onesie as we had to drop him off at my parents'. My parents agreed to watch him while Hizashi, Oboro, and I were at work, I'm fairly appreciative for it. After I changed Toshi I fed him and then brought him into the kitchen with me, finding Hizashi standing by the toaster.
   Hizashi turned to look at me, a smile on his face. "Goodmorning, I'm making toast if you want some." Hizashi said before greeting Toshi.
   "I'm good, I'm just grabbing a water bottle then I'm ready to leave." I replied, grabbing said water bottle then going to sit on the couch with Toshi. Hitoshi's laughter filled the room as I bounced him on my knee until Hizashi and Oboro were ready to leave. When they were I walked out to the car and buckled Hitoshi into his carseat before getting in next to him, Oboro taking the passenger seat.
We pulled into my parents' driveway and I took Toshi from the carseat and grabbed his bag before I brought him to their doorstep, knocking on the door with my free hand. My mom answered the door a few minutes later, her eyes lighting up when she saw Hitoshi. "Here's his bag, everything he'll need is inside it. My phone'll be on so text me if you need anything." I said before saying goodbye to Hitoshi and handing him and the bag to my mom.
"I'll be fine but thank you Shota, have a good first day back." My mom called out as I started walking back to the car, Toshi reaching out for me as my mom walked back inside. I got back into the car and we headed off to UA, me probably more excited about it than Hizashi and Oboro.
The second Hizashi parked the car I said my goodbyes and headed off to my classroom. As I approached the door I could hear the students questioning where Kamaya was. I took a deep breath and then opened the door, "In your seats, class started a couple minutes ago." I said, walking to the front of the room.
   "Mr Aizawa?" A couple of the students asked, I could tell they were confused. When I got to the front of the room I looked over the class, they looked exactly the same as before I left, it was reassuring.
   "Does this mean you're back?" Midoriya asked.
   I nodded, "It does, I'm back for good. I don't plan on leaving again either."
  At that the class stood up in unison, bowing their heads, "Welcome back, sir." They said, catching me off guard.
   I felt a smile tug at my lips, I missed these kids a lot. "Sit back down, I want to get on with roll and get you off to your first class on time." I told them, unable to hold my smile back anymore. Once the students were seated I took roll call and then sent them off, multiple of the students stopping by and personally welcoming me back before heading off.
By the time hero training came along I was ready to finally be able to get back into being a teacher. As the students started coming through the door I made my way to the front of the room. Before I could say anything Ashido raised her hand. "I know you probably want to start class but how're you and Mr. Yamada holding up? How's the baby?"
"Yamada and I are holding up fine, took a while to adjust but we're good now. Toshi's fine too." I replied, looking at the class plan I had for today. "Moving onto class, seeing as I've been absent for so long I wanted to redo that quirk assessment I had you do at the beginning of last year, simply so I can see how much you've improved so I can come up with new plans for you all. Go get changed and meet me out by the track."
   The class got up and went to change at that, giving me time to gather everything I needed and head down myself. Once all of the students changed and lined up around me we got started. Just like the first time I had each student do each test one by one, writing down their individual results next to their results from their first year. As each test passed I realized just how much they've all improved this past year, making me feel a sense of pride.
   When the tests were completed I had the students gather back around, "I'm impressed. All of you have improved significantly since last year. I'm really proud of all of you for putting in so much work and dedication into this, especially when I wasn't here. Great job today, go back to the dorms and get some rest, you deserve it." I said, dismissing the class.
   Once they all walked off I went back up to the classroom. I jotted down a few extra notes for the remainder of the week and then gathered my things, heading off to Hizashi's room. When I got there he greeted me and asked how my day was before we went to get Oboro. After that we went out to the car, going to pick up Hitoshi and then go back to the apartment for the remainder of the day.

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