I Can't Do It

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"Sho this is getting ridiculous, you need to go see a doctor." Hizashi said, holding my hair back while I threw up.
   "I'm fi-" I got cut off by more nausea.
"You're fine huh? That's not fine Sho, you've been throwing up for over a week now. I don't care what you say, you're going to a doctor today. I'm calling UA to tell them we're not coming in." Hizashi sighed, standing up while taking his phone out. I didn't fight him, I was too drained to over this to argue.
   When I finished throwing up I rested up against the wall, waiting for Hizashi to come back. When he did he helped me get up and took me out to his car. We drove to the doctor's office in silence. I was resting my head against the window, trying my best to ignore the nausea.
We arrived at the office and Hizashi signed me in while I went to the waiting area. Once he finished signing me in he took the seat next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. The doctor came out and called my name 5 minutes later. He led us to one of the back rooms and had me sit down on the examination table, Hizashi taking one of the seats in the corner of the room.
   "So Mr. Aizawa, what brings you here today?" The doctor asks, grabbing a clipboard.
   "My boyfriend's been concerned because I've been throwing up a lot this past week, haven't been feeling the best either." I replied.
"Alright, anything else you've noticed? Any cravings, abdominal pains, bloating?"
"I-I guess there have been a couple things like that, I just haven't paid too much mind to them." I said, thinking back on the last week.
The doctor flipped through a couple papers he had, "You're transgender, correct?"
   "I- Yeah, I am."
   "I think I know what's going on, I want to do a blood test just to confirm my theory." The doctor said, placing the clipboard down and grabbing tubes and a needle from a cabinet. He came over and I held my arm out for him, rolling up my sleeve. He cleaned my arm then stuck the needle in, filling up 2 tubes. He finished then put a bandaid on my arm, grabbing the tubes and heading towards the door, "These should be back within the hour, you're free to wait in the waiting room or you can go do something in the mean time."
   Hizashi and I opted for staying in the waiting room. I leaned on his shoulder and attempted to nap for the hour we had to wait, though I failed at every attempt. When the hour was up we were called back and sat down again, the doctor coming in with the results shortly later. "So it turns out my theory was correct, congratulations." The doctor said, a smile on his face.
I looked at Hizashi confused, then I looked back at the doctor. "Congratulations? For what?"
"For the baby! You're pregnant."
I felt my face fall. Me? Pregnant? I can't be.. "That's not possible, I've been on testosterone since I was 15 and birth control since I was 14. I-it's impossible."
   "Well somehow it happened, it's rare but sometimes people can get pregnant when on birth control. Even some with testosterone there's still a chance you can become pregnant. What you decide to do next is up to you, I'll give you a couple pamphlets and you're free to go whenever, have a good day." After handing Hizashi the pamphlets the doctor left, leaving Hizashi and I alone.
   "Sho? You alright?" Hizashi asked before starting to walk over to me.
"I-I can't do this, there's no way." I stuttered, tears running down my face.
   "Shota don't cry, it's alright-"
   "No, it's not Hizashi! It's not alright, I-I have to get rid of it. I can't have a kid, I just started teaching, I can't-"
   "Shota, relax." Hizashi said before wrapping his arms around me, slowly running his fingers through my hair. "Breath, just calm down." I clung onto Hizashi's shirt, placing my head on his shoulder. I started crying, I couldn't stop. As the seconds went on the tears just started flowing more and more, Hizashi simply holding me close and rubbing my back for comfort.
When my crying calmed down Hizashi led me out of the building and to the car. I was silent the whole ride home, Hizashi tried talking to me but I ignored him, my thoughts racing the entire time. I didn't even know we were at the apartment until Hizashi parked the car. We got out of the car and I instantly went to our room, going to our bed and curling up under the covers.
Hizashi came into the room not too long after me. He sat on the edge of the bed next to me, placing a hand on my head. "What're you thinking?"
"I have to get rid of it Hizashi, I can't do this." I said quietly.
I looked up and saw Hizashi's face drop, "Sho, you were serious?"
   "I-I don't know. I really don't think I can handle keeping it Hizashi. We just started teaching, this'll fuck up my career as a teacher and as a hero. Can we even support a kid? And what about Oboro? We can't just throw a kid in the apartment and expect him to be alright with it. I-"
   "You're overthinking." Hizashi cut me off, "If my opinion matters at all I think you should keep it. One reason is because I want to be a dad and I want to have a family with you. Two because it's our child, things might be tough for a while but I think we can do it. In the end I know it's your choice but think about it, yeah?"
   "I don't know, I don't think it's a good idea Hizashi."
   "One appointment. Go to one ultrasound appointment then make your final decision, please? Do that much for me?" Hizashi asked, his eyes pleading.
I sighed, "One appointment? I can do that."
Hizashi gave me a grateful smile, "Thank you, I appreciate it." Hizashi placed a kiss on my forehead before standing up, "Rest for a little bit, alright? We can talk more about this later." Hizashi left soon after that and I closed my eyes, somehow manging to drift off while my thoughts raced.

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