Facing Reality

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   I woke up the next morning to Hizashi's arms tightly around my waist, one of his hands on my abdomen. It was a Saturday so I knew there was no reason for me to get up. I relaxed back into Hizashi's embrace, feeling Hizashi move closer to me. Hizashi moved his forehead so it was resting on the back of my head. "You didn't tell me you were starting to show." He quietly said.
   "I didn't think it was all that big of a deal." I replied.
   "It is to me." Hizashi said, slowly moving his hand up and down my abdomen, "Everything regarding you and our child is important to me."
"Sorry, I'll try to talk to you about it more."
"Don't make yourself do something you're uncomfortable with. I know you're still struggling with it." Hizashi said, his voice comforting.
I turned around so I was facing him, "I may still be struggling but it is my reality. There's no going back on having this kid, I should be a little more open about it."
   Hizashi placed a hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead, "Do what you feel comfortable doing Sho, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
   "I want to, at least with you." I said, moving my head so it was resting against his chest.
   Hizashi replaced his arms around me, holding me close. "Whenever you want to talk I'm here to listen, that applies to anything, alright?" I simply nodded, not wanting to do anything but stay like this.
Hizashi and I stayed in bed until Oboro burst into our room. "Breakfast's ready, get up!" Oboro said, standing at the foot of the bed.
"Go away, I'm comfortable." I protested, trying to move closer to Hizashi.
Oboro didnt't accept this. He walked to my side of the bed and grabbed onto my shoulders, carefully moving me away from Hizashi. "Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you get to lie in bed all day Sho, let's go." I sighed but listened, slowly getting out of bed, Hizashi following suite.
I took my place at the table across from Hizashi, who was serving what Oboro had made. Hizashi slid a plate in front of me. I sat there and slowly ate, tuning out everything while thinking things over in my head. I wanted to try to come up with an idea on how to be more comfortable about talking about my pregnancy, cause if we're being honest it's still a really uncomfortable subject for me to even think about.
"Hey Hizashi?" I asked when an idea came to mind.
Hizashi turned away from his conversation with Oboro, "What's up?"
"Can we go to that baby store down the street in a little bit?" I asked, looking down at the table.
"Yeah, that's a good idea. It's cool if we turn the spare bed room into the baby's room, right?" Hizashi asked.
"Of course, I figured you guys were doing that anyway." Oboro said. Hizashi and Oboro then got back into conversation again. After breakfast Hizashi and I went to go change. I threw on a hoodie and some sweatpants then met Hizashi in the living room. He was already there when I walked in so we just went to his car then headed to the store.
As we pulled into the store's parking lot I felt my heart slowly start to race. I felt Hizashi grab my hand and looked over to see him smiling at me. "Don't stress yourself out Sho, it'll be ok." Hizashi said, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I nodded and took a deep breath before getting out of the car, Hizashi following.
   We walked into the store and every ounce of anxiety instantly left my body. I started leading Hizashi down the different isles of the store, stopping and looking at everything that caught my eye. I didn't expect to actually get excited over this but I was, I was actually excited to start buying stuff for our kid. I think Hizashi noticed this too, I saw him constantly looking at me with a smile on his face.
   Hizashi and I ended up walking around the store for quite a while, grabbing a couple onesies that I ended up liking quite a bit. We were about to go over to check out when I noticed a crib display sitting in the corner of the store. I tugged on Hizashi's shirt to get his attention. He looked down at me, "What is it?"
   I pointed over to the display, "I want it." I simply said. Hizashi smiled and handed me the onesies he was carrying before going over and grabbing one of the boxes. He then walked back over to me and we went to checkout. When everything was payed for Hiazashi loaded everything into the car and we went back to the apartment.
   When we got inside Hizashi and I went right to the spare room to put what we had bought in it. The spare room was fairly empty as we never did anything with it so there wasn't really anything we had to move out of it except for a couple boxes. Hizashi sat the crib box against the wall and then took the onesies out of the bag, cutting the tags off so he could wash them.
I was currently sat down in the corner of the room watching Hizashi sort through things, I offered to help but he told me to just go sit down and to let him handle things. When he did everything he wanted to do Hizashi sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder, Hizashi resting his head on top of mine seconds later. "You seemed really happy at the store." Hizashi said.
   "Surprisingly I was." I replied. "I didn't expect to be so happy about shopping for the baby but I was. It made me realize that behind all my anxiety I'm actually really excited about this."
"I'm really happy to hear that Sho. I was scared that you were only going through with this for my sake, kind of made me feel guilty. It's your body you know? I'd feel really bad if I was the only one excited about having a kid."
   "I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't excited in some way Hizashi, you should've known that. I was just too scared to realize it." I said, interlacing my fingers with Hizashi's.
"I love you Sho, you know that I'm here to help with whatever you need, right?"
"I do, I love you too Hizashi." I replied. Hizashi placed his hand on my cheek, lifting my face up and connecting our lips. I leaned into it, the world feeling like for just a moment it only revolved around Hizashi and I.

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