Forever Yours

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   Over the past 6 months when we weren't busy with Toshi or work Hizashi and I have been focusing on planning our wedding. I already knew that I didn't want a big event seeing as we didn't know all that many people so it wasn't exactly hard for us to plan the wedding in the slightest. The issue was that Hizashi was being extremely extra on the theme and where he wanted to have the wedding.
   Hizashi wants to have something with an extravigant, fancy theme and wants to have it near water while I want something a lot less flashy and something more relaxed. It took a lot of convincing to talk him out of a lot of his ideas. By a lot of convincing I mean at least 2 months worth of talking to him about it. Once we finally came to an agreement on those things the rest of the planning actually went fairly smoothy. We sent out invitations and once the rsvps came in we finished up the last few things we had to do, all that we needed now was for the day to come.
   When I woke up Hizashi was hovering me, his signature smile on his face. "Hey, guess what." Hizashi said once he noticed I was awake.
   "What?" I asked, turning over in hopes of going back to sleep.
"I get to marry you today." Hizashi replied, placing a kiss on my forehead.
It took me a few seconds to register what he said. "That's today? Like, actually?" I asked, sitting up.
Hizashi nodded, "It's today. You should start getting ready, Kamaya said she was on her way to come pick you up." Hizashi said before getting up. Ever since I returned to UA Kamaya kept to her word and made it her mission to be friends with me, she succeeded and volunteered to help me prepare myself for the wedding.
I did as Hizashi said and got out of bed, going to the closet to grab a random pair of clothes then go change. Once I finished changing I went out to the living room, finding Hizashi on the couch with Toshi and Kamaya. When Kamaya noticed me she came over and wrapped me in a hug, "Happy wedding day! Let's get going, we have things to do." Kamaya said, starting to pull me away.
"Hold up, I want to bring Toshi with me." I said, turning to Hizashi who was pouting.
"I wanted Toshi to stay with me."
"I carried him for 9 months, he comes with me." I sinply said. Hizashi gave in, I took Toshi from him then went to pack his bag, leaving with Kamaya right after. She drove us to the wedding venue and took me upstairs, leading me to a room where my mom was waiting.
   My mom's face softened when she saw me. She walked over and gave me a tight hug, though she was careful not to hurt Toshi who I was holding against my hip. "Now you're really all grown up." My mom said, tears in her eyes as she cupped my cheek.
My mom, Kamaya, and I spent the next few hours talking and getting me dressed for the wedding, Hitoshi esentially playing on the floor the entire time. When it came time for the ceremony to begin I handed Hitoshi off to one of my other relatives that was at the wedding.
The planners had me line up with my mom, having Kamaya and Oboro stand next to eachother in front of us, there was no sign of Hizashi anywhere which made me feel slightly anxious. My mom noticed this and laughed, "The whole point is for you to not see him until you're at the alter Sho, relax."
   I took a deep breath, doing my best to calm myself down. Music started playing and the planners sent Oboro and Kamaya down the aisle. They had my mom and I go where I couldn't see the alter, my mom saying that Hizashi and my dad were probably going next. After what felt like an eternity the planners called my mom and I to go.
   My mom gave me a comforting smile then led me outside. The second the alter was in view I looked over, seeing Hizashi standing there in a black and gold tux, tears running down his face. I did my best to hold my tears in, not wanting to cry, but ended up failing the second I was in front of Hizashi. This felt like a dream.
Hizashi took my hands, interlacing our fingers. "You look stunning." Hizashi said, his voice sounding like he was holding back sobs.
I smiled as the reception began. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love of Aizawa Shota and Yamada Hizashi. The couple has decided to write their own vows, Mr. Yamada you can go first." The officiant said.
Hizashi nodded, pulling out a small piece of paper. "Sho, there are so many words that come to mind when I think of ways to say how much I love you and how much you've changed my life that it often becomes hard to choose the right ones to say. When I look back on the time we've spent together I always see you as a ball of light that's managed to brighten my world in every way possible, something I never thought somebody would be able to do. You've shown me what it really means to love and to be loved and I'm forever grateful that you've chosen me to accompany you through life. I know the future can be scary but as long as I have you by my side I know that I can handle anything the world throws our way. I love you Shota, I'm beyond excited to start this next chapter of our lives together, hopefully you are too." Hizashi said, a continuous trail of tears running down his face.
"Now you Mr. Aizawa." The officiary instructed.
"Hizashi, you know I've never been good at saying the things I feel. It's even harder for me to say when I don't want to lose something. When I first met you I thought you would just end up being an annoying pain in my ass for the time we were at UA, and for the most part I was right. The thing that still baffles me to this day is how I managed to fall for you, though I'm forever grateful that I did. I never pictured this kind of future for myself, I thought I'd end up being an underground pro that lived his life alone. But because of you I actually have a family, you gave me a happy future. I can sit here forever and talk about how lucky I feel to have you in my life but to save time I simply want to say thank you. You've truly changed my life for the better, I'll never be able to express how happy you make my life everyday." I said, tears of my own flowing down my cheeks.
"Before we move on, if there are any objections please speak up now." The officiary continued. When there were none she went on, "Mr. Shirakumo, the rings please." Oboro held the rings out to us, "Do you, Yamada Hizashi, take Aizawa Shota to be your husband?"
Hizashi nodded, "Of course I do."
The officiary turned to me, "And do you, Aizawa Shota, take Yamada Hizashi to be yours?"
"I do." I replied. Hizashi and I slid the rings onto eachother's fingers, relacing our hands directly after.
"Without further ado, I now pronounce you one. You may kiss the groom." The officiary said, Hizashi quickly placing his lips on mine, his hands on both sides of my face. There were multiple cheers and clapping as Hizashi and I pulled away from eachother. We once again interlaced our hands and walked back down the aisle, never looking back as we go to begin this next chapter.

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