Joint Training

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I woke up to Hitoshi kicking the hell out of me. I looked over at the clock, 3am. "Seriously kid?" I mumbled, turning to my side. As I was lying there I got the sudden need to use the bathroom. I carefully slid out of bed, doing my best not to wake up Hizashi and headed to the bathroom.
   When I came back I saw Hizashi sitting up, looking at me with a soft smile on his face. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" I asked, feeling guilty.
   "You did, but it's fine. Did Toshi wake you up?" Hizashi asked, holding his arms out towards me.
   I walked back over to the bed, lying down in between Hizashi's legs. "He did, he won't stop kicking me again either." I replied, relaxing into Hizashi's arms.
Hizashi placed his arms carefully around my abdomen, moving one of them in circles in an attempt to calm down Hitoshi. "Let me know if this helps at all, alright?"
   I nodded, "Even if it doesn't it's relaxing, I like how it feels when you do that." I replied, closing my eyes and resting my head against Hizashi's chest.
Hizashi kissed my cheek, "Just try to go back to sleep, you need the rest before work." Hizashi said. I nodded, Hizashi's touch slowly making me drift off.
   I yet again woke up but this time to the sound of the alarm clock. I moved my arms out, noticing I was still in Hizashi's arms. I looked behind me, seeing that Hizashi was completely knocked out, the alarm having no affect on him. I slowly moved out of his grasp, walking over and shutting off the alarm. "Sho?"
I looked over at him, a soft smile appearing on my face, "Hey, good morning." I said, walking over and placing my lips on his.
"How are you feeling?" Hizashi asked, placing a hand on my side.
"Fine, not as tired as I thought I'd be." I replied, stepping away from Hizashi and going to the closet. My hero costume didn't fit me anymore so my new work attire, unsurprisingly, now consisted of sweatpants and a hoodie.
   "That's good, right?"
   I nodded, "It is, it'll probably help get me through today. I have to coach joint training with 1A and 1B." I said, walking to the bathroom to change.
Hizashi laughed, "Have fun with that." I rolled my eyes, closing the bathroom door behind me and quickly changing. Once changed I went to the kitchen, throwing a couple slices of bread into the toaster and pouring a glass of milk. When the bread was done I threw it on a plate and sat down at the table.
    Oboro walked in seconds later, "Morning Sho- You don't want anything on top of that?" He asked, "You hate plain toast."
   "Don't ask me why but I've been wanting plain toast." I responded.
   "Fair enough." Oboro said, walking over to the coffee machine. I finished off my toast then sat my plate in the dishwasher, finishing off the milk and setting the glass next to it. I then went into the living room until Hizashi and Oboro were ready to leave. After Hizashi went to the kitchen for food we headed out, loading into the car to go to UA.
When it came time for hero training I slowly went up to the front of the class, not wanting to deal with this joint training thing. "Today we're doing a joint class with 1B. Go change into your hero costumes and meet me on the training grounds." I instructed before heading down.
   When I got there class B's teacher was already waiting. He looked over as I walked over, "Are you Aizawa Shota?"
   I nodded, "I am." I replied.
   He held his hand out, "It's nice to officially meet you."
   I removed one of my hands from my hoodie pocket, taking his hand, "Likewise."
   A few minutes later the students started gathering in front of Vlad and I. As the students arrived Vlad grabbed the lot boxes, placing them in between us. Once all of the students were there he began explaining what we were doing. "You guys are to come up 1 by 1 and pick a ball out of one of these boxes. Aizawa's class picks from the red box, mine from the blue. You'll pair up with whoever has the same number as you and will spar in teams of 2."
   "We figured we'd do things this way seeing as you guys don't know eachother well and barely know about the other class' quirks. You'll have a few minutes to go over basics and come up with a plan, then the matches will begin. Any questions?" I added. When nobody had questions the students began drawing lots and teaming up. After about 10 minutes we told the students the spar order and began the matches.
Vlad and I moved to sit on one of the benches to watch the matches go down, Vlad ready to step in if needed. A couple matches in Hitoshi decided to make my life difficult and started kicking at my ribs, harder than usual. "You brat." I said under my breath.
   "Are you alright Aizawa?" Vlad asked, turning to me, concerned.
   I gave him a fake smile, "Never better."
   "You sure? You're moving around a lot."
   "I'm fin-" I started, Toshi kicking me in the ribs even harder before I could finish my sentence.
   "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Just focus on the student's matches." I said, my face and voice stern. Vlad backed down, simply nodding and going back to watching the matches. I changed my position to where I was sitting crossed legged on the bench, my arms around my abdomen and my head down in hopes I can at least hide my discomfort until Toshi stops.
He didn't until the end of the matches. I did my best to concentrate on them but I found it hard when I was constantly getting kicked. When Toshi did finally stop it was the middle of the last match, Tetsutetsu and Kirishima vs Ashido and Honenuki. The match felt very off balanced in the sense that Kirishima and Tetsutetsu had practically the same quirk while Ashido and Honenuki both had quirks that could easily beat them if used correctly.
Surprisingly enough Kirishima and Tetsutetsu held their own and made the match fairly interesting despite their defeat at the end. After the matches were over Vlad and I gave the students feedback and then sent them off to go back to the dorms. Vlad yet again tried checking in on me put I pushed it off. I left and went off to Hizashi's room, just wanting to go home and take a nap.

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