Right, We're Pros

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   "Make sure you start the laundry before you leave, I'll be in the car." I said before walking outside. Oboro still wasn't back from his parent's so Hizashi and I were yet again on our own today. I was too tired to deal with work today but I knew I couldn't skip, especially since Hizashi wouldn't let me. The second I got into the car I attempted to go back to sleep but failed, unable to find any sort of comfort. Hizashi got in the car not too long after I did and turned it on, soon heading off to UA.
   I slowly made my way to the classroom after parting ways with Hizashi. I entered the classroom to the kids already in their seats, making my morning 10 times easier. I took role call and discussed what we'll be doing later on during hero training before sending them to their first class. When they were gone I quickly took out my sleeping bag and moved to the corner of the room, falling asleep shortly after.
I quickly woke up when somebody ran into my classroom. I looked over and saw the principal standing in the doorway. "Aizawa, we need you. There's been a villain attack near UA, I need all pros on sight." Principal Nezu said.
I sprang up and followed him out the door. I almost forgot that I'm actually a pro hero. It's like Hizashi said, we have licenses but teaching's our top priority so I forget that I'm still a hero at times. Nezu told me the location of the attack and I took off, eagerly wanting to join the fight.
   I took me about 5 minutes to get there. I was currently sitting on a roof nearby, scouting to figure out how I can best be of use. Because of my quirk I'm best at long range since I'm not a power type, though I can definetly fight if needed to. I saw 3 villains, each being dealed with by 1-2 heroes. I saw Hizashi fighting by himself, the villain starting to take the upper hand.
   This was what I was looking for. I pulled my goggles over my eyes, activating my quirk seconds later. The villain tried to use his quirk on Hizashi but failed, pausing in confusion. Hizashi took this as an advantage, quickly landing a hit on the villain. I hopped down from the building, running over to help Hizashi restrain the villain, who quickly regained his composure.
   The villain landed a hit on Hizashi, sending him back a few feet. I went in with my binding cloths and wrapped them around his arm before pulling, sending me flying towards him. Before he could notice I was there, my feet connecting with the back of his head and knocked him down. He collapsed onto the ground, I quickly took this opportunity to try and wrap him completely in my binding cloths.
"Eraserhead, behind you!" I heard somebody yell. I looked back just in time to see Hizashi flying through the air, taking the villain to the ground.
"Focus on restraining him, I got this one!" Hizashi called out. I listened, quickly finishing up what I had started. Once the villain was restrained I finally blinked, my eyes feeling dryer than usual. I looked around to see if I was needed anywhere else but the other villains were already taken care of. I could hear police sirens coming towards us in the distance.
When the police arrived we handed the villains over to them, the police then taking each of us aside for a statement. I finished before Hizashi and waited for him, not wanting to head back before he was with me. When he finished giving the officer his statement he walked over to me, a soft smile on his face, "Nice work Eraser." Hizashi said, throwing an arm around my shoulder.
"You didn't do too bad yourself, Presentation Michael." I replied.
"It's Present Mic! Not Presentation Michael!" Hizashi pouted.
I laughed, putting an arm around Hizashi. "I know, I know. You alright? You didn't injure anything?"
"I'm fine, a couple scrapes but nothing major. You?"
"All good." I replied, giving Hizashi a reassuring smile.
   Principal Nezu had us go to Recovery Girl before going back to class. Once we were given the ok we were sent back to finish up whatever it was we were doing. By the time I got back to the classroom the kids were already inside. I walked inside and went up front, wanting to finish class as soon as possible.
   "Are you alright Mr. Aizawa? We heard you helped in the villain fight." Ashido asked, standing up.
   "I appreciate your concern but I'm fine, nothing but a couple scratches. I'd like to move on with class now, change into your hero costumes and meet me in the gym, you'll be doing sparing matches." I replied.
   I went down to the gym and waited for the students. When they were all here I went over the pairings I selected and had them get started. One by one I had them spar in front of the class so that the others could observe the matches. I took notes from each match, breaking down more ways to help the students improve seeing as I can pay more attention to how they fight now.
When the matches were done I dismissed class, going up to my classroom to write a few more things down before heading off to Hizashi's room. I found him packing up his things, he greeted me then walked over so we can leave. When we got back to the apartment we walked inside to find Oboro sitting on the couch. He looked over as we walked inside with a smile on his face, "Hey guys! You did great today, you're all over the news." Oboro said, pointing at the tv.
   I walked behind the couch, looking over to see footage of today's villain attack on the news. "Wonderful. Publicity, my favorite." I muttered, walking into the kitchen.
"You're a pro Shota, get use to publicity." Hizashi joked.
I sighed, "No way, if I have to do hero work I'm staying on the underground hero side of things, publicity isn't my style." I replied, grabbing a water bottle then joining Hizashi and Oboro in the living room.
"Yeah, being an underground hero fits your quirk better, good choice." Oboro said, making me roll my eyes. The rest of the night consisted of Oboro talking about what happened at his parent's house and Hizashi bragging about where he took me last night. I'd never say it outloud but I'm happy Oboro's finally back. I love my alone time with Hizashi and all but Oboro being here makes it truly feel like I'm with my family, like I'm really home.

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