After Forever

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Killian's P.O.V.
After what seemed to be 1,000 years (4 hours) Emma was finally out of surgery. I was worried sick that she wouldn't make it but she did. They finally got her a hospital room and she woke up. Her mom and dad and Henry were allowed in first since they are her immediate family. After about 30 minutes they came out and let me go in. As soon as I stepped in a small smiled arose on Emma's face.
"Hey love, how are you? " I asked concerned.
"A little sore but a lot better now she said as I leaned in to kiss her. She needed some rest so we just stayed close together , me sitting on a chair holding her hand.
Her parents soon left and so did the whole town. Gosh she was very famous here. I laughed at that. I soon dozed off also.
Emma's P.O.V.
I woke up to a very sexy and handsome pirate sleeping on a chair holding my hand.I was still a little sore but I could manage it. Whenever I needed the bathroom or had to get up and walk Killian would help me off the hospital bed because it hurt to do it alone. My parents would come every day and stay for a while. So would Henry and sometimes Regina. It was a little nice for once even though I was in the hospital. After a week there I was sent home.I was feeling a lot better and Regina even used her magic to make the pain go away. Wow she really was turning good I thought. Ever since Robin came back because Marian left him and took Roland to be with another man Regina has been really nice.
Me and Hook had some alone time together so we went into my room and closem my door.
"I was so worried love."he told me.
"I know I'm sorry." I said walking closer to him and closing the distance between our lips.

Sorry for the short chapter and wait but I've been sick with a fever for 2 days and haven't had a lot of time to write. The next chapter will be longer and I will write it soon.
What do you think of Emma and Killian??
What villain or problem will come next??
Keep reading to find out and thank you Thank you for everyone who reads this story it means a lot.

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