Prisoner? Again!

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Emma's POV

I woke up tied to a bed in a dark room. Why does this keep happening to me I thought. I looked around trying to figure out who did this and how to get out. I tried magic but my restraints were magic proof. ( of course.) I tried to break the but they were too tight. Then the door opened. Once the cool breeze hit I realized something. I was in undergarments.Gosh no. What happened to my dress. Who is doing this? Then someone came closer. I tried to look at the person when I figured out why it was dark. I had a blind fold on. I was still trying to figure things out when the person came closer. I could feel their breathing on my face. Them lying on top of me.

"Please let me go." I whispered.

"Not until you get me what I want," he said barely audible. He? Ya I guess he. Then I felt something hard hit me and knew I was bleeding on my face. Then my world went black.

When I finally woke up I was tied to a chair with no blind fold and lights on. When he walked in again I was shocked by who it was. Jefferson. He came closer smiling wickedly.

"Hello Emma. Did you miss me?" He asked.

"No. I was actually glad that you were gone but you were right about one thing. The curse was real." I said not showing any weakness.

"Yes I was. Now you are probably wondering why you are here. Well, I don't need my hat to work because there is magic here. I don't need my daughter because she is gone , and I don't need the Emma before the curse was broken. No. I need Princess Emma. The savior. The one who weilds light magic. Yes you."he sadi a little phsycotic.

"What do you want Jefferson." I said annoyed.

"You will not speak unless I ask you too." He said pulling out a knife. Oh great he is going to kill me.

He came close to me and then slashes my leg at mid thigh.

"Ahhh!!!!" I screamed out in pain tears streaming from my face.

"Shut up!" He said kicking me in the stomach. How was I supposed to stay quiet with all this. I groaned in pain. He quickly untied my wrists and feet and forced me up pulling me with him out of the room. I was limping and wincing in pain every step I took.

He stopped me at a bathroom and then told me to sit on the toilet. He got some tissue and put it on my bleeding cut. It burned because he had put proxide on it. He smiled at my face which was covered in tears. At least he was cleaning the cut. Then he picked me up carrying me bridal style to another room with a bed. Its was fairly nice. Dresser , night stand. But not nearly as nice as the castle. He put me down on the bed and tied my hands behind me. I tried to resist. I struggled but he was just stronger. Then he got a needle off of the night stand and holding me down as I tried to move, injected it into me. Then everything became hazy. I could fell his tight grip on my shoulders and feel his hot breath but I couldn't move.

Then I felt something on my stomach. I was barely able to move my head but when I looked down I saw that he had cut my stomach and the blade was just above my belly button moving up. Barely grazing my skin but not cutting it. Barely.No. I will not let this happen. So I thought of Killian. How much I loved him. How worried he would be. I thought of all the good memories we had , and with all the strength I could conjure , I summoned my magic. Breaking the magic proof cuffs and shot them at the horrid man in front of me. He was blasted back allowing me to get out of the room and run. As I reached a living room area my leg stopped collaborating with me. I realized that I was in shock because of the pain.I had lost a lot of blood. Pushing my thoughts towards Killian with my adrenaline running I somehow made my leg work and ran to the door. My vision was still hazy and I was still weak but I made it. I was going to get out. Or that's what I thought. I ran into something at the door. Or more like someone. Gold.

"Hello dearie. Did you miss me?" He said taking ahold of me. No but he was locked away. He couldn't of gotten out. No. I tried to break out of his grasp but he just tightened it on me. Then he dragged me back to that room and put more powerful restraints on my hands using his magic.

Then I saw Jefferson. He looked furious at me. Gold put me on the bed and took it as his cue to leave. Jefferson came up to me and punched me hard in the face making me dizzy for a minute.

"HOW DARE YOU!!"he yelled at my face making me flinch. Then he got on top of me and started kissing me. It was full of lust and anger. I certainty did not kiss back. Then he hit right below my open wound making me open my mouth to shout in pain. He took this as his chance and let his tongue enter my mouth. I moved and squirmed but couldn't get out of his hold. Once he got bored he left before saying that I was his and that he always wanted to kiss me. Leaving me to my thoughts making me feel powerless and weak. He didn't do anything but him being able to make me feel scared of every movement he made was bad. So I tried to focus on Killian. What he was doing now. What would've happened if I was still there. I finally cried myself to an uncoftorable sleep hoping that I would get out of here tomorrow.

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