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Emma's POV

I woke up with several parts of my body throbbing including my face and my hands that were tied together. Where am I ? As I slowly turned my head everything in the past day hit me like a truck when I saw who was next to me. Jefferson. His arm was laid across a nightstand and his hand was clutching a knife. His other arm was wrapped around me holing me tight.

How do I get out? Was my first thought.

Killian's POV

After searching every room , corner ,tunnel and gardens the truth hit me. Someone took my Emma.

We began an official search telling the whole kingdom , putting up posters , sending out the royal navy and gaurds. Its been a day but it feels like years. It was horrible not being able to wake up with her in my arms. I honestly don't even think I slept.

David keeps telling me to go eat and get some sleep so we can began our own search but I don't think I can do any of that until she is safe in my arms. So I simply grabbed my sword and headed out the door with Dave following close behind.

Emma's POV

All I did was simply turn over. That's it. I didn't even try to get away. And now Jefferson was hitting me and yelling at me.

"I-I just t-turned calm down please." I said shaking in fear. I know I needed to be strong but no matter what I was scared.

"SHUT UP!!!! I KNOW YOU WERE TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM ME!! He screamed outraged and then punched me sending me to the ground. Did I mention I was standing up with my hands tied behind me? Guess that was kinda important. He came and started to choke me. I was kicking him as hard as I could though finally making him stop.

After that happened Gold came and took me away. He transported us to the woods where there was a small house covered with trees and bushes.

"Wha- where are we?"I questioned confused.

"The guards got too close to finding our hideout. We had to move you." He replied.

"Why do you even need me!" I yelled.

"We need your magic Emma and that's all I can tell you." He said dragging me inside. When we walked in the inside surprised me. The "living room" looked normal but once you got deeper inside the house there were rooms with weapons, rooms with chains hanging from the wall , and a room with weird looking machines.

Where did they get all of this stuff and were they going to use it on me was all I thought. Gold left me in an empty room while he went to get Jefferson. And when I say empty I mean it. There was nothing on the walls or in the room. It was just white.

When Jefferson came in I took it as my chance at freedom. Gold had taken of my restraints and I could actually use magic. As he slowly came closer to me I ran at him and when I knocked him to the ground I began hitting him like crazy making him pay for what he has done.

Even though I messed his face up pretty bad and knocked him down he was still able to get up and be stronger then me. He took a hold of my shoulders and pushed me against the wall. Then as he was about to hit me Gold came in and forced him off throwing Jefferson to the ground. I was still in shock of what just happened when I figured Gold needed my help. Even after all he's done he is still good.

I summoned my magic and threw Jefferson against the wall. Then I began to choke him. Yes. He was going to pay for what he did. Until he pulled out a small bottle and placed it where the magic was shooting at. I felt a huge amount of pain inside me. It was as if my soul was being ripped out. Wait. I've had this feeling before. It was when Zelena to my magic away.

"NO!!!" I yelled as he closed the bottle and I fell to the floor. I felt weak and powerless because I was. Then he pulled out a gun and shot.

But it wasn't at me.

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