Finally Free?

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Emma's P.O.V.
We appeared at Granny's diner and saw all kinds of missing posters of me and Killian.
"Gosh how long have we been gone"? I asked the confused Killian.
"I don't bloody know Swan, I hope everyone is alright especially Henry," he said in a worried voice.
"Well, let's go find out." I said as we walked into Granny's diner.
Regina , my mom and my dad (gosh it's weird saying that) , and Henry all came and gave us huge hugs when we walked in.
"Where were you?" ,"What happened?" ,"Are you guys okay?" , "Who did this?" Everyone asked at the same time I don't know who said what but I think I was getting way overwhelmed.
"Whoa slow down we're fine we just got sorta magic kidnapped by a random guy , Rumple threatened me kinda , oh yes he's back and some author might make me evil, but we broke free out of the authors basement in that mansion by using my magic in a magic proof room, but that's pretty much it. So how long have we been missing?" I said confused and frustrated.
"What!!!" Snow said and gave David a terrified look.
"Um. I'm not going to say it again sorry it takes to long." I said jokingly. Obviously it wasn't time to joke because everyone just stayed silent. Awkward. Did I say something wrong or what? I just told them what happened why aren't they talking? What the hell?
I got snapped out if my thoughts when my mom and dad said we needed to have a talk with me.
We went to the apartment as in we I mean Snow, David, Regina, Killian and me. My parents began to explain the whole stealing Maleficent's child and taking all my evil away story. I was so mad at them. Weren't they hero's? They're supposed to do the good things not bad things.
"Emma, we are truly sorry please talk to us." My "mom" said.I was so outraged by this.
"How could you do this!! You are hero's you are supposed to do the right thing how could yo-" I started crying before I could finish.Why was I crying !??!
"Emma please talk to me let me explain. Emma I'm your mother." She said.
"I don't care!" I replied before vanishing leaving a blue cloud mixed with white behind. I didn't know where I was going I just wanted to get away from there. I ended up at a peaceful spot by the docks.
"Love, please don't be so mad. It was so you could be the best you could be. You know your parents are good and that they wouldn't want to do anything to hurt you. Please come back and let them explain." Killian pleaded. Maybe I should give them another chance.......or.......maybe Not!!!

Hey guys I'm so sorry it took so Long I've been really busy.
I hope you enjoyed it. The picture is the evil Emma "I don't care" look lol OK so 21 days till summer yay! Next chapter should be up soon. Please vote and comment.

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