The Book.

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Emma's P.O.V.
That's when it all came back to me. Seeing my mom as a villain. Gold. The author. Their plan. Wait where's Henry and Killian. And everyone else.Obviously they don't remember who they are or something like that. I went walking into this tavern? Yeah I guess. Maybe hook will be in here. Nope just some stupid pirates that aren't my Killian. My Killian? Ehhh I guess. Well maybe I should just go look for Henry.
I decided to walk through the woods. I came across a couple of booby traps. Haha. Then I found a small cave. May as well rest. I thought. It was getting pretty dark.

The next day...
I woke up early to the sound of birds chirping. Mmm peaceful. Then I remembered where I was. I jumped up and left the small cave. I went into the village to find some food. I found some money in that cave so I might as well use it. I am still wearing a blue dress though. I kinda like it though. It makes me feel like a princess. What the hell am I thinking. I found a store and bought a loaf of bread and an orange. I went to go explore and see if Henry was here. I went through the forest again.That's when I saw Regina being chased by guard's wearing black. I imediatley acting upon instinct shot magic at them. Yay I still have my magic. One got away but the other was injured. Regina imediatley got up said thank you without really looking at me and left. So... I guess my mom is the evil queen like Regina and Regina is like my mom Snow White as a bandit. So who am I??
Who cares I just need to figure this whole thing out.
I went walking through the forest trying to find my way out when some gaurds that looked like the ones after Regina came and surrounded me with swords pointing at me. Oh shit.
They took me to the evil queens castle. My mom's castle obviously.
"So. Your the one who helped the bandit Regina escape? What's your name traitor" Snow said.
"Ugh.. Emma" Is all I said
" Silence! So you have magic. Let me see it." She commanded.
I shot magic at a glass and it shattered. Then a bright red light came and everything went black again.
I woke up in a tower. I tried to move but my hands were chained down.( tower from finale.) "Help!!!" I screamed. Then someone started to open the door. Maybe someone heard me? It was Lily. Yes she was gonna set me free! Nope all she did was push food where I could reach and left.
"No! Wait don't leave help me please." I pleaded
"Sorry but your a dangerous prisoner so eat if you would like to stay alive. I tried to use magic but it didn't work. Then a note appeared out of nowhere once Lily left. It read,
You are not the savior anymore. You no longer have magic. You will stay here till you die. Once Zelena and Robin Hood get married and you hear their wedding bells, everything will stay the same. Oh! And no one remembers who they really are except you. Henry is stuck in the real world as am I. Hope you enjoy this new world. I wrote it in a book Heroes and Villains. I'm famous now. Enjoy your evil mommy. With hate,
Oh my gosh. No. Henry he will find me I know it. Right? I hope so.

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