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Killian's P.O.V.
I can't believe Emma said that to me. Did she really mean it? No she couldn't of meant that , right? I love Emma I need her. No, why did she say that. I don't want to believe it but what if its true? What if she actually hated me. But why did she stutter while saying that. Why did she shoot me a loving look before she said that. Why did she say that gosh why? Why , why , why. I was having a mental break down as Emma calls it. I was sobbing like crazy when everyone woke up.

"Whoa Hook what happened?" David asked me. I explained to him everything. A couple minutes later we were all going to houses telling them to keep there doors locked and family with them because Rumple controlling Emma is not good.

After that I went to a room Emma rented me at Granny's. I cried for a while then went to the diner and drank my sorrows away.
Emma's P.O.V.
All I could think about was revenge what had Gold done to me. I wanted revenge on him the most but then I realized I wouldn't be able to hurt him because of the stupid dagger but I will still try. I hate him so much. Then someone else's popped into my mind. Regina. She is the one after all that ruined my life. I never had my parents while I was a child because if her. She needed to be punished. But then I realized how I was scared of her that day in the cabin. Wait no. I shouldn't be scared of her, she should be scared of me but I helped Regina get her happy ending why would I ruin it. Oh wait, because I want to. I got up to leave so I could get my revenge on Gold and Regina and I remembered I was still a prisoner locked up. I had to change that.

I was still afraid to ask Gold after him hitting me because I was crying hysterically these past few days. Even though I was abused by my foster parents and orphanage owners when I was younger ,Gold was worse. He is really strong. And he hasn't only physically hurt me he mentally did to. He told me how I was worthless and how my parents didn't love me and I was a mistake so they had another child. I didn't want to believe him until he told me that Killian never really loved me and how I was just a replacement for Milah.
He told me how all Killian wanted was to make me his doll. He never cared about me. He even said Killian had another girl. Then showed me a picture. That , that's what broke me. That's why I was afraid of him. I didn't want him to hurt me. I didn't want him to say those things again. I didn't want to feel alone again. But after what I said to Killian how could he ever want me back. I wouldn't if I were him.
I sat there crying and drowning in my thoughts. Gold had to come down and make the house sound proof because he said I was too loud and annoying. I just sat there crying silently, starving because I refused to eat the food because it looked poisoned , dehydrated ,exhausted , lonley and broken. I felt like I had nothing left. I let Gold win. I gave in. I was too sad to fight. To mad to argue. I wanted revenge now. Especially on Gold.

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