Please No

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Emma's POV

  "NO!!!!NO!!!! PLEASE NO!!!! OH MY GOSH NO!!! NO NO NO!!!!!!" I yelled as I watched his body hit the floor. No. I started crying as I rushed over to him. To my Killian. No! I looked over and saw Jefferson laughing maniacally.

  "Why?" I said in barely a whisper to Jefferson.


  "Well Emma I know you never brake your promises so just this once but I'm just letting you know this room has a magic barrier that won't allow you to leave unless I'm with you. So I wouldn't try anything." He stated then opened the bottle.

  I felt as though I was taking in a big breath of air and I hadn't breathed in days. It was so refreshing. I wanted to use it to get out. To attack Jefferson. But then I heard a low groan. With one last breath the magic returned. I immediatly held my hand over his bleeding chest. Then a flash of light was on him and before I knew it the wound was healed and he whispered a quick "I love you before I was ripped away from him. Thrown against the wall , my vision was blurry and I was immediately exhausted. He obviously took my magic again. Then while I was about to try and get up I hear a loud scream.

  Jefferson stabbed him on the side then sent him away on a horse with a note to go with him. Then I was out.

2 days later

   I woke up in a dark room. Until the blinds were opened. Then everything was super bright and I figured I had to get up. As soon as I stood I fell back down. He must've used a different way to take my magic then when Zelena did because I wasn't this weak last time.

Once Jefferson started talking, I realized we were in a different location again. All I was thinking about right now was Killian. He had found me. He was going to save me. Then Jefferson took him away. I also thought of how my thoughts towards Jefferson that day were evil and villinous. I can't think like that anymore though. I am not the dark one. Even with the bad things he's done I won't kill him even if a small part of me wants to. And that's only if I ever get home.

Davids POV

Killian arrived at the castle about a day ago with a note and a severe wound. Once we got him fixed up we read the note.

Dear Charmings,

  Just wanted to let you know that your daughter is in good hands with me and that you'll probably never see her again. Oh and her lover boy will be okay but you know she doesn't know that. Don't try to go back to the same place because we have moved. Maybe you should do the same.MOVE ON! EMMA IS MINE AND SHE'LL NEVER COME BACK!

Jefferson (or the guy you probably hate)

Killian broke down. Literally. He was trying to leave and get up but I held him back. He was still to weak to fight back. We finally convinced him to lay down and rest by telling him that he couldn't save Emma in the condition he was in. And it worked. I wanted to break down like Killian did but I had to stay strong for them. Even Snow was crying.

Finally I came up with a great idea. A locator spell! I called Regina in and had her heal Killian and then do the locator spell. We started following Emmas baby blanket.

Emma's POV

  After Jefferson was done talking about his stupid plan I realized what would happen next. He was going to put me under a sleeping curse that way my family couldn't wake me up because he said I don't have a true love. Then he said once they fail at saving me he'll wake me up and I'll be his forever. It's seriously a dumb plan but I'm still scared because what if I never wake up? What if Killian isn't my True Love?

  Just as I was about to tell him something he grabbed my hand and pricked my finger. then I felt like I was floating and I was then in a dark room. I looked up and saw a small nursery. a baby was sleeping there. I realized it was Henry. he started crying and I tried to pick him up but I couldn't. then Regina came.

  "Shhhh my baby its okay. Every thing is going to be fine. Mommy loves you." she said and I then figured out why I was here. a sleeping curse is me living in all my regrets. and I regretted giving Henry up. This is going to suck because I regretted a lot of things.

Kilian's POV

 As we were following the blanket I felt a twinge of pain rush through my body. Something is wrong with Emma was my first thought. Then I started to walk faster and soon everyone was running. But they weren't chasing after the blanket. They were following me, and I knew exactly where I was headed.

Emma's POV

After Henry there was Neal, I should have never let him die like that. Even though he died a hero I wish he could've seen Henry one last time. That was a sad memory but the one next hurt more. I was with my parents, and I was still partially mad at the ball but it had happened. I never said goodbye to them. Or Killian. I was taken just like that and I left them heartbroken. Now what if they never saw me again.

 Though there were many painful memories, this one hurt the most. I left Killian behind.  He had found me and then I was gone again. He had seen me all hurt and beat up. Now he might never see me again. I gave him hope when I shouldn't have. I should have never left Killian on that bean stalk. I should have trusted him. I should've told him how I felt right away. Now I'm stuck far away from him.

Through all these memories I felt like I was waking up from a nightmare. I felt soft lips touch mine. Then I felt love. I took in a breath of air and opened my eyes as I was slowly pulled away from my dreamland.

 I awoke too find the most wonderful face ever. My Killian was there. We have true love.

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