The Lost Men

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Emma's POV

Jefferson came to see me again today. He said my name was Grace. But I don't believe him. I still think I'm Emma. The only thing I can remember were eyes the color of the ocean and jet black hair. that's it. Jefferson told me that I'm in love with him, but he doesn't seem my type. Plus, if I was why would I be locked up in a tower? He makes me kiss him goodnight and good morning and if I don't he hits me.

   I don't understand him. I don't know what he wants from me. I hear crying at night and it sounds like a guy. Sometimes I hear screams from him. I think Jefferson tortures that blue eyed guy that said my name was Emma. And I really want to help him. I feel so connected to him.

Every time I try to leave, something throws me back against the wall. I can't even get close to the stone door. I have dreams at night of Jefferson kidnapping me and daydreams in the day of being in a room on fire. I always meet a lady with short black hair there. She always says she's my mom but I can't remember her.

Jefferson tells me that Pan will come soon but does he mean in like Peter Pan or something? Because that's stupid and I always want to laugh at the things Jefferson says but he always seems so serious. I know I'm locked in a tower and stuff and I know that there's magic here but seriously Peter Pan?

My thoughts are interrupted as the door swings open.

" Good morning! Soo Grace, or maybe I should say Emma, the memory potion isn't working. it only wiped you memories, it didn't give you new ones. So I'll give you your memories back just so it can torture you. Knowing that your true love is just below you suffering, and its all your fault." He states.

Before I can respond another man with greyish hair and a cane , wearing a suit comes in and holds a rock in his hand. Then, he waves his hand over it and it glows purple.
  As I'm watching memorized it feels like I'm waking up from a bad dream. Memories of the people I love come pouring into my mind and everything becomes clear. I raise my hands prepared to use my magic as I notice the black cuff around my wrist. As they finish I just sit back down on the cold, hard bed. It's useless to try to fight back. They'll win. I've never felt this way before and I don't like it. I don't like feeling useless and weak.

  So I immediately stand back up as they close and lock the door. I'm not going to give up. I wont let Killian suffer, and I wont let Jefferson just give me away like a piece of pottery. I start pacing the small room thinking up a plan. But soon I hear Jefferson telling gold to send Killian back home, then Pan appears in front of me.

"Hello, Emma. It's been a long time. Obviously that idiot Jefferson can't contain you so I'll be taking you with me now." Pan says.

" I'm not a possession. I can't be given away you freak! Now move or i'll make you move." I shout wanting to slap that stupid smirk off his face. But before he moves and before I can do anything, we disappear in a green mist with Killian standing in the door way shouting my name, all bloody and beaten up.


When the green smoke disappears we're in Neverland. Pan grabs me by the arm and drags me along behind him. The lost boys aren't boys anymore. They are but very strong. And they look like men. And Peter Pan is a lot stronger to. I don't know how it happened. Maybe when Neverland lost the magic.

  Ohh shoot. That's why he wants me. My magic. That's when everything clicks. Jefferson took my memories so I wouldn't know I had magic. So I wouldn't know I was strong. So I wouldn't know that I could fight back. Once that adrenaline pours through me filled with anger I attack. I break out of Pan's grasp and switch our posistions, stealing his sword I hold it at his neck. All the lost- men gasp as they see what I'm doing.

"Step away from me or he dies!" I shout and some of the youngest boy-men step back. But some stay put. "I'm not kidding!" I shout again.

"You wouldn't kill someone your the savior." some guy tells me.

"I've done it before don't test me." I said pushing the sword harder making Pan twitch with pain. The blade barely piercing his skin almost making him bleed. After that 2 out of 4 step back leaving 2 guys. Then, before I can even blink, one of the tallest guys comes forward and Peter Pan somehow manages to get out of my grasp. The tallest guy holds my arms behind me as Pan comes and ties them together with some sort of rope.

Then we start walking again with most of the guys giving me dirty looks and some throwing me smiles of approval. All I know is that Peter Pan has gotten a lot stronger and so have his lost boys.

Sorry for the boring and kinda confusing chapter. It will get better! Please vote and consent and thank you for still reading this story. You guys are truly amazing! Have a good day/night. Love, Kalina

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