Dead But Alive

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Emma's POV

When I woke up, I was in Storybrooke. But how? I was in the woods all alone. I looked up and saw a blue sky. I looked down and saw that I was all cut up and bleeding. I got up with a cry of pain and started my way to the town. I had to find Killian.

Once I saw the road relief swept through me as I realized I was almost there. After a couple more minutes I was almost at my parents apartment.

Once I got there I knocked on the door and waited nervously for it to open.

When the door opened my mom was standing there.

"Mom!" I shouted with relief and joy. Confusion was written all over her face but only for a second before she pulled me into a hug and brought me inside.

"Emma what happened to you? Where were you?" she questioned concerned.

"I woke up in my Boston apartment thinking my whole life was just a dream and then Pan showed up and practically kidnapped me again. He be put me to an abanded building for like two days where I found Killian in my dreams under a sleeping curse, then Blackbeard came and they took me somewhere else, shoved this thing down my throat and then I woke up here in the woods."

"My poor baby, are you okay?"

"Ya Mom I'm fine just a little bruised."

"Where's Dad? And Henry and Killian?"

"Henry and your Dad are at Granny's and I'm sorry to tell you this but no one else remembers you but us."

"What!? But what about Killian doesn't he remember? He told me he did when he was under that sleeping curse."

"When he woke up, h- he didn't remember who he was or who you were. He said that his name was Colin and that he had a wife Milah. But all he remembered was that she died."

"Wha- no!" I cried breaking down. "No but he's my true love he has to remember me!"

"I know honey I know."😳she cried," but ever since he woke up, you know....."

"Wh-where is he?"

"He at your house but he thinks it's his."

"Then that's where I'm going."

"Be safe baby I love you."

"I love you too Mom." I replied and then got up and walked out the door. I will find Killian. He's my true love. He has to remember me at some point.

While I was walking, a blue mist came and swallowed the town up.

While I was walking, a blue mist came and swallowed the town up

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When I awoke, I was in a bed. A very comfortable bed might I add. When I opened my eyes I gasped. I was in my room! And not just my room but in a castle! The Enchanted Forest. Even though at first I pretty much hated it here, I grew to love it. As I looked to the side I found my crown from the ball when I was announced a Princess. Does this mean Killian remembers me!? That everything is back to normal!?

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