A long ride.

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Killian's P.O.V.
I woke up to the birds singing. I looked over to the other bed to see Henry still sleeping. I couldn't help but worry about my Swan. Was she okay? Did she sleep? Does she have food? Is she hurt? We need to hurry. I had a dream last night. More like a nightmare. Emma was there. She was being tortured and I couldn't do anything about it. She somehow communicated with me.She said, "Killian, I know you probably can't hear me, but I need you, there's a little part of me still holding on. But I'm really close to losing hope. This darkness is making me have bad thoughts. You need to hurry! " and then I woke up. We need to find Merlin. Fast. I went down and got us some breakfast while Henry got ready. We then met the rest of the crew outside. We got on some horses, Henry with me, Regina with Robin and Snow with Charming. Then we began the long ride ahead of us.

A few hours later.
We arrived at a small village and asked around if anyone knew where Merlin was. A lady told us to ask the King. Well that helped. We then rode to the castle. We were stopped by guards until one of the recognize Prince Charming. Or King James. Whatever. We were immediately let inside and confronted by King Arthur. He told us of how Merlin lived in a cottage at the end of town. He liked to be isolated. He also told us how we couldn't go unrested and unfed so we had to stay the night.

Henry's P.O.V.
Blah , blah , blah . I know saving my mom is super important but this girl is so beautiful.
"Ah! This is my daughter Violet. Violet this is , King James , Queen Snow , Queen Regina , Robin Hood , Killian Jones or Captain Hook , and Henry." King Arthur said.
She curtsied but then turned to look at me. Our eyes met and it was like everything else in the world stopped. It was just me and her. She broke the gaze and immediately blushed. Wow I thought as I was smiling. She is hot. We were then invited to this ball that was tonight. You know cause we have nothing better to do. But its okay that means I get to spend time with Violet.

Killian's P.O.V.
I saw Henry staring at Violet. That young lad , he has a crush, as Emma calls it. My Emma, oh how I miss her. We cannot stay for a ball! What are the thinking? We have to find Merlin. Of course I'm wrong so we stayed for a ball and I watched as everyone had a partner to dance with. Even Henry. Everyone except me. I got up and went to my room I was staying at. I couldn't handle this. I went and cried. It took a lot for me to cry. I cried because of Emma. Because I love her so much. The crocodile will pay for taking her!

Hey. Sorry for the short chapter. Please don't stop reading my book I know its like so boring but I just have to get through this part. Thank you everyone who reads this. I will try to update as soon as I can. Please comment and vote. Thanks.

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