On a journey

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Killian's P.O.V.
I told everyone everything what happened and they tried to comfort me and help but the only one who could help is Emma.
Merlin. We need to find him. David , Mary Margret , Regina , Robin , Henry and I came up with a plan to find Merlin. The apprentice luckily wasn't dead but hurt and told us where to find Merlin. Of course , he was in another realm. Luckily , we have a magic bean. Looks like were going to Camelot.

Me , Charming , Snow , Robin , and Regina , are going. Ruby will stay and watch the town and Henry will stay with Granny and so will baby Neal. I throw the magic bean into the ground and green and purple flash all around as we jump through.

Emma's P.O.V.
I tried as hard as I could to break out of these stupid chains but all I did is tire myself. I had one thing on my mind and that was getting out. Then of course I would get my revenge but I can't do that until I'm out.
"I still see you trying to get out. Well its your lucky day." He released me from the chains but before I could do anything he pulled out the dagger." If I were you I wouldn't try anything." Gold said. Ughhhh.

He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the cabin. Literally. I will probably have a bruise where he is gripping my arm. He pulled me to a run down shack and threw me on the ground. Oh I hated him so much.

"So I see you want revenge on me. Well that's just not going to happen. Okay. You will listen to me and you will not hurt me." He said walking closer to me. I got a little scared but then I realized that I shouldn't be. I was the Dark One. He should listen to me. Plus he did not say those words into the dagger. He just said them. They didn't mean anything to me. He came and punched me really hard in the face and cut me with the dagger.

All this rage and anger were building up inside me. I hated him for what he did. I hated him for what he said. I hated him so much. I got up and before he could say anything I shot my magic at him knocking him to the ground. I then picked him up and started choking him. He was struggling trying to get out of my hold but I wouldn't let him. I finally knocked him out. I didn't kill him because that's not what I wanted. Then again there was the good side of me fighting the bad telling me that killing him would be wrong. I took my dagger from him and put him in the chains I was in. Then I went into town searching for Regina even though I was still in pain for what he did.

"Emma! What are you doing here! Um-
"Out of my way Ruby." I yelled throwing her to the ground with my magic. Whoops I upset her. She turned into a wolf and tried attacking me. Bad decision. I throw her down with my powers and knocked her out too. Then I ask "Granny" where Regina is. She won't tell. Of course.
"Well if you won't confess I'll just have to take something of yours." I said ripping Ruby's heart out making her wake up.
"You wouldn't dare!" Granny said testing me while Ruby looked terrified.
"Really? Watch me." I said squeezing Ruby's heart just enough for her to cry out in pain and for Granny to spill.
"Okay! Okay! Please , please , stop! They're in Camelot looking for Merlin." Granny said still terrified.
"Fine! Just tell me when they get, wait they!!!! Who went!!" I demanded to know.
"R-Regina , Snow , David ,Henry, Robin and H-Hook." She stuttered.
"HIS NAME IS KILLIAN!!!!!" I yelled dropping the heart and storming off. Wait where's Henry? He's with them!!!. He's safe I guess. With that I went to check on Gold to realize he was gone. Uh oh. That's not good.

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