A New Beginning pt.2

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Emma's POV

"Wow." was all I could even think of. It was so beautiful. Gorgeous, Angelic I couldn't even describe it.

There was about a million pink roses covering a bridge over a lake. The sun was setting and everything was pink and yellow. It was one of the prettiest things I've ever seen. The suns reflection on the lake made everything bright and I felt so breathless there.

"Come on Swan this isn't even the best part!" he exclaimed. Then he led me onto the bridge. How could this possibly get better?

In the middle of the lake I saw the most beautiful white Swan. It had another white Swan next to it. They were just floating in one spot and their heads and neck were forming a perfect heart.

"Killian look! It's like you and me!"I said excitedly but he wasn't saying anything. So I turned towards him and he was down on one knee holding a black box in his hand.

I knew my face went from shocked to overly extremely happy. I couldn't believe what was going to happen next. So many emotions flooded over me I couldn't describe it.

"Emma Swan, since the day I met you I knew I wanted make you mine. But the thing was you weren't just another challenge I wanted to conquer, you were a challenge I wanted to have to face everyday.

"I wanted to brake down those walls of yours and you let me. We have been through so much and I mean like seriously hell and back. I've lost you so many times but I'll never stop finding you or fighting for you.

"You are the light in my life. You changed me. And I think I even changed you. I couldn't imagine my life without you. You're like my air. Without you I would die. I need you Emma and every time I picture my future you are always in it."

"So Swan, will you marry me?"

By then I was crying moving my head I said a yes before I was in his arms kissing him with so much intensity and passion that I never knew I had.

When I pulled away, the smile on Killian's face was breathtaking. His whole face was full of joy and so was mine.

Then he gently placed the ring on my finger.

"Wow Killian it's beautiful." I whispered.

It was a gorgeous silver ring. It had a medium blue diamond on the middle and then two little white diamonds on each side.

"I love you." I said

"I love you two love but I've got one more suprise........Follow me"

Following him I saw a picnic set up in the distance. I couldn't help but laugh a little. He is so romantic.

We ate and laughed and talked and kissed. I couldn't stop smiling and I didn't want to stop.

It was getting late so we had to go, but Killian picked one of the pink roses and gave it to me.

"I'll keep this forever." I said jokingly but I meant it. I put a protection spell around it so it would never die. This rose would be a symbol of our love.

We finally got back home and put the horses away.

"So how are we going to do this?" I said.

"Do what?"

"Tell my family without my dad freaking out."

"Oh you won't have to worry about that, I already asked for Henry's and your parents blessing."

After he said that a smile appeared on my face." You did?"

"Well I do have respect."

Smiling we walked into the castle holding hands.

"Mom, Dad could you come here?" I called out hearing them whispering in the kitchen.

My mom seeing my huge smile immedialtley stated smiling too.

" I take it you sad yes then?" she asked.

Nodding my head I showed them my hand.

"Wow that is one beautiful ring I heard my dad say. Take good care of my daughter okay?" he told Killian

"Trust me Dave, I wont let anything happen to her ever again. You know that."

"I know." He said smiling.

Then walking over to me he game me a hug and whispered

"Congratulations honey. I'm so proud of you."

Then he walked over to Killian gave him a guy hug and said, "Welcome to the Family."


Killian's POV

Nervously I walked up to the Charming bedroom door and knocked.

"Hey Killian what's up?" Snow said answering the door. Seeing the nervous look on my face she called David.

"Is everything alright? Is Emma okay?" he asked.

"Yes ya Emma's fine evrythings fine I um came her to ask you something actually." I said as I nervously scratched behind my ear.

"Okay what is it?" Snow said.

Clearing my throat I said," Ugh I- I was wondering, well actually I wanted to ask you, for your permission to marry your daughter."

David laughed a little.

"Finally after all this time you're gonna propose! Yes Killian you can marry Emma." David said then snow agreed and I felt a weight lived off my shoulders.

"Just please take care of her."

"Trust me I'm not gonna let her out of my sight ever again." I kinda joked but meant it. After all the times I lost her I wouldn't let it happen again.

Now I just need Henry's blessing.

Walking to his room I felt kinda good about everything.

I knocked on his door then went in.

"Oh okay! I think I'll come back another time." I said as I saw Henry and a girl softly kissing by his balcony.

Smiling I started to walk out.

"Wait Killian! Um this is Violet, Violet this is my da- mom's boyfriend.

Smiling I said "Actually that's what I came here to talk to you about. Um Henry I was wondering if ugh-"

"You could have my permission to marry my mom? Yes you can because you make her happy and that's all I want. Plus you know you're not so bad." He joked.

"Really!? Oh not so bad that's all I get?" I said then ruffled his hair. "Oh and by the way I'm gonna tell you're mom's about you're girlfriend." I said then ran out hearing Henry protest.

Ahh young love.

Now to propose to my love. Let's hope she says yes.

*End of Flashback*

Okay I know you guys probably hate me because it'll be a month tomorrow and I'm so extremely sorry. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I enjoyed nervous Killian. Couldn't find a picture of ring that fit my mind lol so you'll just have to picture it. 😊 Thank you to my readers I love you guys so much.


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