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Three days later
Rumple's P.O.V.

I woke up in my house with Belle by my side. She said that all the darkness was out of me and in Emma. She said that it had been about a week since I woke up. Then I finally processed what she said. I'm no longer the dark one. I have no power. But I have a plan. I will act all good and hero like around everyone but I need the dagger. Emma Swan is finally dark!I have to get the dagger.
Regina's P.O.V.
I heard a noise in my office . I was playing with Roland while it happened. I walked cautiously towards the door. Wait why am I walking cautiously they should be afraid of me. I walked in and no one was there. I saw a drawer opened and realized the dagger was gone. But I put a protection spell on it. How did they take it? I saw a scarf left behind. I put a locator spell and it led me to Gold's shop. Crap. Then I saw him putting the dagger in a secret door. I transported to Mary- Margaret's house and knocked on the door. Killian opened it. Looks like the Dark One is having another mood swing.

"Hello I need to talk to Emma." I said then entered the house.

"What do you want Regina!?" Emma said clearly annoyed.

"Um well Rumple broke into my house and somehow broke my protection spell and stole your dagger."I said worried.

"What!?!? So now he can control me?,"Emma asked terrified of the answer. She immediately transported to his shop I think leaving us all behind.

Emma's P.O.V.
I got to Gold's shop and entered slamming the door. Gold immediately came to the front hearing the noise.

"Gold give me back the dagger!" I yelled.

"Ahh Miss Swan, hello to you to." He said. Then he pulled out the dagger and I took a step back.

"Let's take this somewhere more private shall we?" He said. Then I transported us to a cabin in the middle of no where. Wait why did I do that. Oh right he's controlling me. "Okay now whatever Regina commanded you to do Dark One forget it." He said into the dagger which controlled me. I felt like lightening just struck me as I could feel all thus darkness come back in me.
"Now use dark magic and ruin the couch."
He said again.

"Really the couch, you want me to ruin the couch?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well yes just trying out you dark magic. You better use dark magic otherwise I'll have to use the dagger on you."he said. So I destroyed the couch with a fire ball.
"Okay Emma let's try this dagger out, so ,"he said speaking into the dagger,"sit on the floor."
I felt something so strong pulling me to the floor. I sat on the floor.
"Perfect. Now here is my plan , you will do whatever I say because of this dagger. Since I have no more magic I will simply use you."He said.

"Why? Why do you want to do this?" I said still sitting on the floor. Then I got thrown backwards against the wall. Then everything was black. I heard one last thing before I was out ,
"Its none of your business now is it?" Gold said.

Hey so this is a short chapter but I'm not going to be able to update all next week or tomorrow. I'm going to camp all next week and I won't get any reception so once I get back I'll try to update. Thanks for reading and keep voting.

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