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Emma's POV

I woke up early in the morning all alone. I turned over and saw my alarm clock read 5:15. Well time to get up I have a big day. And it was true, it was May 15, my wedding day.

To say I was excited would be an understatement.

This was finally happening. I had finally found love. I was getting married.

Wow. Never in a million years would I have thought this would happen to me. But I'm glad it had.

Killian Jones is the love if my life. He is the oxygen I need to breathe. He is my everything.

And today I get to make it official.

So I got up from bed. Tired. Hopeful. Happy. A little scared.

I didn't know what life would bring, but I knew i would have him with me.

I brushed my teeth, jumped in the shower, and blowdryed my hair.

It was already 6:30.

Then I started to curl my hair. My mom and the others were getting here at 7 and I had to at least have a little done before they got here.

I was just about done with my hair when I heard a knock on my door. They're here.

3 hours and 45 minutes later and I was ready. Well look wise. Emotionally not really.

This was a big step and of course I wanted to do it but it's still a little scary.

But it was time. Time to get what I've always dreamed of. A family.


As I was walking down the aisle there was only two thoughts in my mind,

*please please don't fall and embarrass yourself

*holy crap I'm getting married

Both were very valid thoughts at a time like this, but I made it successfully down and was now standing in front of my Killian Jones.

Now you all know what happened next, beautiful words were said including
"Swan you are the love of my life and if I could I would go back in time and fall in love with you a thousand times over," and many many more but it was the most beautiful wedding ever in my opinion.

That wasn't even the best part though. Our honeymoon was if you know what I mean. ;)

      The End

Hey guys so I decided that it was time to finish this book even with like the shortest chapter ever. I know no one will probably read this because it's been like 2 years but thank you to everyone who ever read my story and supported me even though I got lazy. I love you guys. -Kalina

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