One Day

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We finally arrived back in Storybrooke. We took Lily with us after we had a long talk. When we got there after saying hi to everyone Lily got introduced to her mom.
Two days later
"Swan! Hello love, I think we should go on that date that was promises so long ago before the "author" kidnapped us. What do you say love?" he asked after we kissed.
"Um... sure." I said unsure because what if something else bad happens.
Killian obviously saw the look of worry on my face because he pulled me aside and said ,"Emma nothing bad is gonna happen and if it does we will be ready for it. I think you just need a little break from saving lives okay."
"Okay." I said.
"Well then I will see you at 6:30 love." Killian said while leaving.
I put on a red above the knee strapless dress with black flats. Then I curled my hair and did light makeup. When it was 6:30 sharp I heard a knock on the door.
There he was standing looking handsome as usual.
"Wow you look stunning Swan." Killian said which made my cheeks turn red.
"Thank you , and you look ...."I said.
"I know, devishely handsome as always." he said with his signature sexy smirk. "Shall we go?" he asked.
"Yes let's go. But where to?"I asked.
" Ah ah ah. Can't tell you or it would ruin the surprise." he said.

Gold's P.O.V.
"Are we almost done author?" I asked. My heart was turning all black so the capability to love would vanish and all that would be left was The Dark One. All Evil. The author was writing me a happy ending in a new book called Heroes and Villains. All villians would become heroes and get there happy ending while all heroes would become villians and never get a happy ending.
"Almost just a lot more chapters." Issac (the author said sarcastically).
A few days earlier
Regina's P.O.V.
I wanted to write myself something happy. I wanted to write that I would be able to become pregnant again after the incident with my mom I took a potion so I wouldn't be pregnant and she couldn't use me for a child. I wanted to have a child with Robin. I found Lily at a bus stop and started talking to her.She has the saviors potential for great darkness blood and that's all I need to power the ink. I got the author to help me but all he needs is ink. o started talking to her and later cut her hand a little and put the blood in the ink then vanished away to the author.
Snow's P.O.V.
lily turned into a dragon for some reason and was after me and Charming. She knocked me out and my head was bleeding from her.
Emma's P.O.V.
Killian and I were walking down the road when we heard screaming and roaring? We followed it and saw a dragon on the ground and my mom on the floor unconscious.
"Mom!!!?! What the hell happened!? "I yelled.I immediately healed her with my magic and she woke up. "Mom? are you okay? I'm so sorry for treating you like this. Everyone makes mistakes and that's what you guys did but I have treated you horribly and I'm sorry. I forgive you. You were just trying to do the right thing, and I know that know. ( because Killian talked to me about that)"I said on the verge of crying.
"Emma, thank you," she said as gave me a hug which soon turned into a group hug from my dad. We all went to Grannies to get something to eat.
"Gold is making a plan. A huge one. We need the door page to trap the author in because he has abused his power to long." the sorcerer said.We released him from the hat he was trapped in so he could help us. Henry, Killian and my parents went to my house to stay safe. Regina , the Sorcerer and I went to look for the page. Then everything went black.
( Killian and Emmaa date got inturuppted by them having to look for the page.Present means two days from when Lily got to Storybrooke just to be clear).

Hey guys. Its a short chapter but I will update soon. Hope you enjoyed it.BTW the next chapter is going to be a tiny bit different from the finale okay. It'll probably include the beginning of the authors book okay. Please comment and vote!

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