Almost home

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  *Not Emma's outfit but yeah.*

Killian's P.O.V.

I woke up to hear quite the commotion in this stupid castle. I then realized that we needed to leave. I immediately got up and got ready , then I went to the dining room and found everyone there either eating or barely getting there. We ate breakfast then went on our way in search of Merlin.

A couple hours later
We finally arrived where King Arthur told us to go. It was a small house but we all fit inside. We told Merlin what was going on and if he could help. Of course it comes with a price. We have to go find his hat.
"Well, its back in Storybrooke. You have to come with us." I said annoyed.
"Yes,yes of course. Now do you have a magic bean?" He asked.
"Yup now let's go." Said Henry.
We opened the portal, thought of Storybrooke, and jumped through.

Emma's P.O.V.
I think I'm dying. I'm in so much pain. I'm going mad. My magic is growing stronger. I can't control it. It makes me mad to know they are trying to cure me if this though. I like it. I feel more powerful even though right now I'm weak. No. What am I saying I want this gone. No I don't. Ughh.

This is so hard. I'm losing control of myself more every day.
I went for a walk yesterday and this little girl came up to me and I shot her with magic. She scared me and I didn't mean to. Her mom came screaming and calling me a monster. I didn't realize what I had done. The kid was dead. I didn't mean to. I. I can't explain this feeling I have now. I feel dark. Rumple's happy though.

No ones P.O.V.
They fell through the portal and landed in Golds Shop. Belle is still under a sort of sleeping curse thing so she couldn't help them. Killian began looking frantically for the stupid hat.

Finally, Snow found it. They then had to come up with a plan to save Emma.

3 days later.

Emma's P.O.V.
That's it I'm tired of waiting. Rumple keeps telling me stuff and I actually believe him. They obviously don't care about me. Screw them. My Killian. He's a traitor. With another girl. At least that's what I saw. Rumple showed me him in a mirror. He's not even looking for me.

Whatever. I'm just embracing my darkness. Its actually nice. I can do whatever I want now and no one can stop me. Rumple even gave me the daggger. He can trust me now. I'm no going to betray him like my family did to me. I don't care if Granny said they were in Camelot. They probably never were and she just lied. They are all cowards hiding.

I'm done with them. And when I do find them, oh they will be punished. I saw another vision of them through Rumple's mirror. They all seemed happier without me. I will destroy them.

Killian's P.O.V.

   "Alright mates. We shouldn't keep Emma waiting any longer." I said.

We all started following Emma's baby blanket. We put a locator spell on it.
    When it finally fell it was on a small cottage. Merlin opened the door with his magic and him and Regina were the first to go in. Then soon me , Snow , David , and Robin all went in. We found Rumple in his "room" sleeping.
Perfect. Now he can't control her.

   We went down some stairs to a basement where my Emma , my Swan was being held captive. All locked up in chains. Or that's what we thought. Once she saw us she broke out of the chains.Bloody hell, what is she wearing?! Damn she looks hot.

No one's P.O.V.

Emma got up and smiled viciously.

  "Emma! We're here to save you!" Killian said.

  " Well you're too late and I don't need saving. Especially from a nasty pirate like you. Who I though I could trust. Who is this guy with you anyways. I don't like him."

   " Swan I don't know what you're talking about. I've been in Camelot this whole time trying to find Merlin. So has everyone else" he said gesturing to everyone behind him. " We found Merlin and we're here to help please trust me." He said.
  "Enough!!!" Emma yelled throwing Killian against the wall.
"I saw you kissing someone else in a mirror! You lied to me. You cheated on me. I don't know why I trusted you. I shouldn't of deserved this. I should've kept my walls up and never let you in. I loved you. I still do but know how can I ever forgive you." She said now on the verge of tears.

   "Oh Emma please don't think that. I love you more then anything. More than myself. I would never ever cheat on you. I don't know what that bloody looking glass showed you or what the nasty crocodile told you but I never stopped looking for a way to help you , and I will never stop loving you." Killian said on the verge of crying too.

Emma eventually snapped out of her faze and kissed him. She kissed him like she would never see him again. She kissed him with so much emotion it hurt. But finally it ended. Emma pulled back with a pain inside her gasping.

"Well dearie, seems like I couldn't trust you after all. You're too in love with the pirate. Fine then." He showed the dagger he was holding. "You see I gave you the fake dagger to test you and you failed."

Killian immediately attacked him. Throwing him off balance he fell.

"Emma, kill them." He said.

   "What!!! No. I can't . No I won't!"

   "Yes you will now get this pirate off!!!"

Merlin then shot his magic at Gold knocking him out. He then grabbed the dagger and opened his hat and began to point it at Emma.

The magic started to work and all this darkness came out of her. Merlin then got the dagger and commanded the darkness to go in the hat and stay in there. You see, they weren't controlling Emma, they were controlling the darkness.
    Soon a bright flash of light swallowed them up. Everyone in the town blacked out.

Hey guys sorry it took me so long I've just been busy and had huge writer's block. But I had to update on Once day!!!!! I am officially dead. The premiere killed me. What did the do to Emma and CaptainSwan!!! She didn't even look at him. Sorry I'm just dying. I can't wait till Sunday. Thank you to all the people still reading my story. You guys are awesome!

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