Chapter 42 Christmas pt 1

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♡♡"It's the most beautiful time of the year
Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer"♡♡


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"All right light it up!!!"Jimin said excitedly, and Yoongi smiled, plugging it in.

Jimin's eyes doubled in size, sparkling at the sight of the huge Christmas tree, entirely decorated and filled with colorful lights.

"Waaaaa"he marveled and crossed his hands, letting out a satisfied breath. "Love it. Ah Yoongi hyung, we should take a selca for ARMY!"he said and before the older could protest, he pulled him in front of the tree, preparing the camera.

"All right, hana, tul, set!"the picture was saved and the baby mochi grinned. "Wa, Suga hyung you look great!"


"JIMINAAAA"someone burst through the door, running up to the two and Jimin rose his eyebrows at Taehyung.

"What what what"

"The cookies are burnttttt"the young man explained sheepishly.

"All of them??"

"..yeah.. but I can redo them, i just need... maybe a teeny weeny bit of help..."he said quietly.

Letting out a sigh, Jimin nodded. "Well Yoongi's a great cook, maybe-"

"Yeah okay, I'll help."

"Oh, but I forgot!"Taehyung spoke up, "I have to join Jungkookie and Yuri-ssi with the Christmas shopping! Could you pleaaaase replace me with the cooking Jimina??"the smart boy pleaded and his best friend opened wide eyes, telepathically kicking him in the shin and calling him out with all the names possible on why he would abandon him that way.

"Well yeah b-"

"Okay awesome! Thanks guys, I'll be off then! Have fun with the cookies!"he winked at his blonde friend murdering him with his eyes.

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