Chapter 38 Code red

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♤♤"Damaged people are the most dangerous,
They know they can survive."♤♤

Unknown ~

Unknown ~

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England. Merseyside Same time.

"And don't you dare open that filthy mouth o'yours, you scumbag."the man growled, pushing the boy back into the chair. "The knots are pretty tight there's no way you can get outta them so just sit there and don't move, you got that ?"

Holding his breath and wincing at the gag rubbing the sides of his mouth, Freddie nodded, fighting back the exhaustion washing over him.

Two hours.
He'd spent two hours tied to that chair, waiting. As he attempted an escape, that man caught him and tightened the knots. He was only sixteen years old. Too young to find himself mixed up in all this dirty business like his brother liked to call it. After hiding for many years, he'd been brought back here and used as leverage, a pressure point for his brother Sebastian.

He'd already scanned the room and noticed the rusty smell hitting his nostrils as well as the dark empty walls. The only furniture there, was a table and the chair he was currently sitting on.

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