Chapter 12: Just one day

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♤♤" You can't do this to me
All of the things you said
are like a mask
It hides the truth and rips me apart
It pierces me, I'm going crazy,
I hate this"♤♤

♤♤" You can't do this to meAll of the things you said are like a maskIt hides the truth and rips me apartIt pierces me, I'm going crazy,I hate this"♤♤

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"Jungkook!!"she called out suddenly and the young man whirled around, his eyes searching for the source of the voice.

"Yuria?? Where did you go?"

He walked to one of the houses, frowning and just as got to the door she came storming out, bumping into him hard. Jungkook got a hold of her wrists, keeping her steady, just as her eyes looked up to him, shining.

Before he could say anything she held up her hand, holding something tightly in between her fingers.

"Found it!!"

Jungkook looked down at her hand as she opened it and revealed the last stamp they were looking for.

"No way!!"he grinned "high five there!"

She fist bumped him back and they gathered all the stamps they had collected.

"...10... 11...12..."Jungkook counted, "and 23!!! We have them all!!"

Both grinning, they ran back to the group, hiding the stamps and pretending to be ardently listening to the woman speaking, as though they hadn't left the group.

Yuri panted slightly, tired after running around so much, storming in and out of the houses, looking around for the stamps which were in obvious places sometimes but other times rather tough to find.

After a few minutes following the group and behaving normally, collecting the stamps quietly, both of them felt like the tour would never finish, and they would have to wait tomorrow to find them all.

So they ditched the explanations, checking if anyone was watching before sneaking off, and laughing like idiots.

Yuri turned to see a woman glaring at her for no reason whatsoever and she simply rose an eyebrow at her. That woman had seen them sneak off many times and everytime she'd scoff and whisper some disapproving words at the young duo.

Yuri shrugged her shoulders and looked around, staring at the houses and the rest of the village.

Pretty. That was easily a word she could associate it with. There were flowers blooming here and there, and the breeze soothed her face.

Jungkook listened to the woman speaking, lifting his head to see beneath the hem of his bucket hat. His eyes travelled to the path on the right hand side. No one walked that path at the moment and the silence was appealing.

"Yuria"he whispered to her as she leaned to the side, humming in response.

"Do you wanna ditch again and just walk there?"

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