Chapter 55 : Before it all goes wrong

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♡♡"It was quiet a lonely night
In the blink of an eye
The dark faded out
Blooming under the sunlight
Memories with me and you"♡♡

My you


The door to the cell opened and the clicking sound of heels filled the small room. The man scrambled away from the sudden ray of light in the room, recoiling into the corner and shielding his eyes with his arm.

Raven froze in her steps and gazed down at the wreck of a man huddled up against the wall.

A sigh escaped her lips and she rolled her eyes, a feeling of boredom already filling her mind.

"I won't be long."she said flatly, scrunching up her nose at the rough smell. The man coughed, and looked up at the woman with curious and frightened eyes.

"Who are you?"he spoke with a strange accent.

"Even if I told you, you wouldn't get it."she retorted with an eyeroll. "So why don't we go down to business? Mhm?"she added crouching down to his level but keeping her distance.

"What sort of business? And where am I?"

"Prison."she responded just as flatly before a sick smile stretched her red lips. "My prison. And your prison as well." Her finger tapped his temple as she added in a whisper. "In here. You're trapped in there."

Swallowing, the man kept a strange gaze on her, numb, his eyes filled with void and nothingness.

"What do you want? And who are you?"he repeated.

Raven sighed once again, her eyes filled with fake disappointment. "Pity."she said, her finger tracing down his cheek. "You used to be quite the man, before you decided to step into my business. Now look where we are..."

As he continued to level her with a gaze that obviously showed he wasn't following, the man seemed to lose interest and muttered something to himself.

"Aaand I ran out of patience."the woman sighed now standing straight.

"I need you to do something for me."she told the man who lifted his head to look at her once more.

"What is it?"

Bending over, the woman supported her hands on her thighs and smiled at the man.

"Your daughter is being very naughty these days. I want her back. And you're going to help me, aren't you?"

"My daughter? I don't have a daughter..."he stated, completely lost and Raven rolled her eyes once more.

"And who are you?" he repeated for the third time.

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