Chapter 26

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"Emily, my child, I wish you a farewell. I'm leaving for something better, for I thought you held the potential to do my work, but I was wrong. You child, you are much more than I expected. You have overthrown my own doings and I seem worthless compared to you, and the reasoning was: One, I kill you and take back my superiority, and then bid you adieu. For if I stay, you are my superior, and that'll not do."

"Goodbye Emily, sweet dreams."


I woke with a feeling of being watched, and to my own knowledge, I was. Tyler was sitting at the foot of the bed, watching me.

"Yeah? You need something?" I question with a yawn and a long stretch.

"No, nothing really. I'm just, uh, enjoying the view, that's all." He smiled.

"Ew, go away." I groaned.


Weeks have gone by and I was still tracking down my next victims. I know where Dylan is; I know Cole's in this state, and that only leaves my mother. She's most likely with my aunt, the same aunt I never met. This may be a difficult task.

Currently sitting on the balcony rail, the door behind me opens. I glance back, just enough to see a tiny bit of the person. It was Micah.

"Emily, you haven't come out of your room for a few days. Are you planning something, or trying to leave?" He now stood beside me, looking at me.

"Why would I leave? I'm only planning and thinking. I must dispose of Dylan, Cole, my mother, and myself. That, I will do. And that is what I'm planning. I just need to know the exact location of my mother." He just looked at me, letting me continue.

"Once I find her location, I'll take her hostage and she'll call Cole, bringing him to me, then lastly, Dylan is already here. Thus, making me able to kill my targets and getting out of Jack's way. Considering he left, due to me being superior to him and he doesn't enjoy me ruling over him." I flung my legs over to where I could see inside my room.

"Superior? What are you talking about? Jack never said that you're his ruler." I looked at him to see him rubbing his eyes.

"Trust me, he did. He told me." I looked back in front of, then closed my eyes and leaned back.

"Emily!" I heard him yell.


I surprise myself, I really do. Jack wants me dead, I want me dead.

I ran into the woods, stalking my fast food.

It was a man in a muscle tank top and jeans with biker boots. For a small fry like him, he's extremely fast. I don't think I've seen someone run that fast.

I kept running after him. I could tell he was getting tired, I could hear him pant and I could tell he was slowing down. Poor guy, he'll be dead within minutes. But that's good that he's running out of energy, he won't be able to fight back. He's like the Five Hour Energy drinks, he's had a shit ton of energy, only for him to crash and be slow again.

But, I sense something different about him. Something seems off, like...he's not human. Human. Human. Human. He may not be human, but if he's not human, what exactly is he?

I brushed those thoughts away and just kept at it, running after. Once he came to a stop, he looked behind him. His eyes went wide and huffed. I, in a way, did the same. I didn't expect to see him of all people, or things.

"Why have you been running after me, Emily?!" He did a mini-rage at me, then stopped. "I'm running from Jeff, I don't know what I did, but I seemed to have pissed him off. Real bad, really bad."

I sighed and just looked at him. "Honestly, I don't know why Jeff would be pissed at you, and I really don't care. You misled me. You had me thinking that you're a human. And in which, you are not human, Ben." I said looking at the shrimp I ran after for a good while.


"AM NOT!" He yelled, throwing his hands up and stomping the ground.

"Fine, you may not be a shrimp, but you do act like a young child. Such a ba-"

"Emily? Where'd you go?"

I stopped mid-sentence to hear a voice, and I didn't really care for that person at the moment. Ben just looked at me as I stood there and became annoyed even more by the person looking for me. I was about to open my mouth to say something, but a small thing came out of nowhere and jumped on me. Not only was it the one person I didn't really want to see, but I assume Dylan had come with him to help. I wished that he didn't, or better yet, neither one of them coming out here.

"Emily, who is behind that voice, and who is the toy?" Ben asked me while pointing to Dylan, who was still trying to stay attached to my face.

Once getting Dylan unattached, I held him up and showed the short shit in front of me. "This is Dylan. My twin, who is currently a stuffed toy due to reasons."

Not even a minute later, Tyler came poking out of the woods to see me holding the toy talking to the elf.

"And that would be Tyler, Micah's brother, who was dead."

"BEN, Dylan. Dylan, Ben. Tyler, Ben. BEN, Tyler. Ta-da. Everyone knows everyone. Congrats." I said quickly and threw Dylan to the ground.


I'M BACK, IN A WAY! I AM SO SO SOOOOOOO SORRY I WASN'T BACK EARLIER THIS MONTH. Things have not gotten better, but whatever. I may not be able to post a lot until the situation is stable. I may only be able to update once a month or every other month.

I'm such a terrible person. ;-; *cry.*

PS. I'm sorry it's short. :'l

Until next time, farewell.
-ToxicTurtle (TT)

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