Chapter 28

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After Jack dropped me to the floor, I could no longer hear his footsteps. He must be already down the stairs.

I didn't even bother getting up from the floor, I just laid there and looked up at the ceiling. Every time I blinked, it was harder to reopen them. With every blink, they'd slowly stop opening. Soon, everything was going black again. The noises were fading and soon I was out.

The next time I woke, a plush laid across my stomach was hitting me. I start to open my eyes until I hear the bedroom door opening. I acted as if I was still asleep to see if they'd say anything.

"Dylan, what are you doing in her room? You know when she wakes she'll rip your soul out completely." The voice was rather soft, almost as if they're sick.

"I don't care! I want my damn body back! All of this is bullshit. Why me? Why not you? Or her, Jack? This I complete shit, buddy boy. You try having a box inside of you!" As Dylan stopped talking, I felt him move off of my stomach and next to me. I never knew that there was a box inside of him. When he landed, the box inside him made a noise and started playing a recording.

"Emily, I see that you're now listening to his box. There is something I've always wanted to say to you, but you seem to shy away and run. Maybe you're scared? Haaa. Have fun with Jack and the other boys. Hopefully you've already got a plan. And I hope you heard this rather early, or the plans you make, they'll be terribly hard."


It's me. I apologize for the extreme lateness. I've been going through a lot.  I, again, apologize for this being extremely short. I feel so bad. I feel as if this has gone to complete and utter shit. Rip @ me. I promise that I will make the next one longer, but I do not know when it will be uploaded.

Again, I apologize for everything.


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