Chapter 17

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Okay, you guys are probably confused. Where the -- were, when Emily "woke", that was a dream. In other words, the other half of that chapter was her still sleeping in a coma-like thing, and having a nightmare/dream. Sorry for the confusion. Also, sorry if this chapter is crap. My sleep schedule is crap, and my face hurts. I have sun poisoning, and I almost got sent to the hospital because of me being stupid and getting into a Mosh Pit on Monday (7.28.14).


Gonna apologize in advance. I'm sorry for it being short, I'm losing threads to keep this alive. I'll try to make the next one longish like normal.


My eyes shot open, and I pushed myself up. Micah's head shot up and Jack turned around.

"What's wrong? Are you in pain still?" Micah asked softly.

I looked around, I was in my room with the words still on my wall, and Jack was looking at something on the table. It seemed to be the tray with nails that I had belly flopped on. I stayed quiet for a while until Micah placed his hand on top of mine.

"Emily, what's wrong? Is it the pa-"

I lunged myself off the bed, ignoring the pain.

"The dream or nightmare, or whatever it was scared me. I was nothing, you were nothing, Jack was nothing, Tyler, mom, dad, Cole, Dylan, Ben. All was nothing. I was project number sixteen." I spoke it in one breath, while Jack and Micah looked at me in the corner.

"Ben? What does he have to do with this?" Jacky boy questioned.

"Cole's not dead..." I trailed off, looking at the ground. "I miraculously got a hold of him and asked him to keep Cole away from people. We knocked him out and Ben took him back to Michigan. I couldn't kill him yet, I tried, but couldn't. I'm weak when it comes to him. He's the one who told me to stay away from you."

Jack just stood there, facing me. "Micah leave the room. Shut the door, too." And with that, Micah left, shutting the door.

Jack walked over to me, pretty much chest to chest. He slid part if his mask up, showing his mouth. Raising his hand, I didn't know what to expect. Was he gonna hit me, or strangle me? Nope, he placed his hand over my eyes. All I saw was black. A small thud occurred like something dropped.

"Jack, what are you doing?" I questioned while started to get worried. What was happening? What was he doing?

"Emily Burns. This child, Emily Burns, with the limited powers I have, grant me this one wish," He breathed out, then in. "Immortality."

A sudden push came at me with full force, causing me to fall back on my ass, then all the way on my back. I'd seen Jack's whole face for a slight second. Silver-ish skin with black eye sockets, along with his mouth that was smiling, showing his pointy teeth and the snake-like tongue.

My eyes were forced shut, then opened again. Micah had just rushed into the room, and Jack was gone. But his mask still on the ground.

I didn't bother asking Micah about Jack and his whereabouts. I didn't care, I didn't want to speak. I was sore.

"What happened," He looked around. "Where's Jack?"

"I... I think I'm immortal?" I was, and still am confused. More than I usually am.

He was looking at me, then he turned and left. Sighing, I went back to the bed, and I checked that shit to make sure nothing popped up. After I made sure I was safe, I went to sleep. Fuck everything that has happened to me so far.

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