Chapter 32

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[A/N: I just added the video (01/30/18) because it's my favorite soundtrack to Devilman Crybaby. It doesn't really have anything to do with this chapter but I just wanted to add it. It was a good show, (in my opinion) a really good show.]

"Hold on," I heard Jack speak, then footsteps came closer. "Remove your hand, Ben."

Ben did as he was told and removed his hand. I took the chance to glance over to the woman. She was still very much alive and conscious. I turn my attention back to Jack, who leaned down to me, placing his hands on either side of my head. His mask was removed, allowing his mouth to be seen.

"Emily, I need you to listen to me," He leaned down, kissing my forehead. "There's something I have to do and it has to be done. I will explain everything as soon as possible."

He leaned down to my lips. My eyes grew as I felt his lips on mine. I'm not Emily, I am AJ, yet he still speaks to me as if I'm her. I didn't know what to do, he was still against my lips. My eyes dart around the room, landing first on the woman. Her eyes grew as she started to scream again; mad, upset, or sadness was the reason. Her child, being forced to kiss the maniac who did this.

After what left like years, he pulled away and pulled his mask back down.

"Emily...," His gloved hand found its way to my eye, rubbing away a tear. "You're back."

"Jack!" I yelled.

Emily, why the hell did that...

I ignored her, Jack finally noticed me and I was crying.

"Ben, go ahead and cover her eyes. It will be done now." Jack snapped at him. Ben rushed over and covered my eyes once more. The last thing I heard was my mother's screaming and faint footsteps.


I couldn't see anything, couldn't hear anything either. It was almost erie. Soon, faint murmurs were bouncing around and noise started up, loud noises. Yelling, screaming, curse words being thrown around, just as if someone was upset, or in pain. It sounded terrible. I could only imagine what was happening. Someone getting murdered, going through with the unbearable pain of a scalpel cutting through their skin. I could even hear the heavy breathing in my ear, as if they were leaned right into my ear, or as if it were me who was getting cut into.

The pain spread to me somehow. How was I in pain? He wasn't coming after me, he was going after her.

"Emily!" My eyes suddenly pop open. My mother was beside of me, clinging on to my hand with tears streaming down her eyes. She looked so heartbroken, so ill, so...dead looking.

Clearly confused, I look around the room. White walls, wooden door, curtains, monitors, everything you would find in a a hospital. What the heck is going on?

"You're awake. You're finally awake," She raised up from the chair and went to turn to the door, but a figure appeared. "Cole! Go tell someone that she's awake! Go!"

The boy in the doorway dropped a tray of food. With wide eyes, he looked at me then turned on his heel and ran out the door, yelling out, saying I was awake. He was annoying the other patients, that I did know.

My eyes fell back on my mother. Her appearance had chanced, just like she was younger. She didn't have that hateful look like she did at the trial, she looked happy, relieved, and re-energized.

She reached over, wrapping her arms around me, pulling me close and squeezing me. I could feel hot water droplets fall on my shoulder; she just kept crying. She has no reason to cry, the moment I get out, it'll go back to me wanting to kill her and Cole. There's no need to her to cry... Or is she crying because she knows what I have to do?

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now