Chapter 16

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Merp. Woo, chapter. There's another Authors Note at the bottom. I forgot to upload this yesterday, so I'm doing it now. I'm supposed to be sleeping, waking up at 4:30, wait a while for the others to get ready, then head for the Venue in Charlotte for Warped Tour.

Okay, enough about me, now for the story. Enjoy. 


-Micah POV (still)-

Finally walking home, I heard the train flying by. What's-her-face is now disfigured, only if I was there to see it... Damn.

The street lights were blinding, but I still walked, hoping no one was around to see me. Walking off of the sidewalk and into the woods, for a shortcut, I heard speaking. One was male, one was female.

A little campfire lit up the spot those two were. The girl had long, maybe black hair, with green eyes. The guy had short brown hair, with some colored eyes. He moved, thus making it hard to see his eye color.

"We can't do this." The girl spoke.

"Why not, Lucy, you said that you wanted to come camping." He remarked.

"Eh, I know I did, but, I'm kinda regretting it. Not because of you being here, but because of the murder that happened. Along with the picture." Her voice trembling, breaking at every other word. "Does our life mean nothing to you?! Do you wish to die here at a hand of a murderer? I don't!" She was yelled and throwing her arms up in the air.

The boy was silent, looking at the girl, Lucy. Taking a long, slow deep sigh, he spoke.

"Look, I know you're scared, but I'm here. I'm always here, and you know that. Nothing will make me leave you right now." Lies, he spoke lies. I knew if he saw me in my current state he'd run, leaving her.

Do I wish to test that theory? I might, maybe. Walking closer, I almost tripped, ducking behind a huge boulder.

"Dylan, what was that? I'm scared, I'm really scared!" She yelled.

I peered over and seen him. He was frozen like an elephant that seen a mouse. Pathetic. Then it hit me.

Dylan. I've heard that na-Emily.

Could that be Dylan? The Dylan? Dylan Burns?

"I'll go look, you stay here." He spoke, with his footsteps coming closer. Quickly searching for a nice sized rock, I picked it up, waiting for him.

Finally, at the bolder, I found a different rock, throwing it at the tree I was looking at, making him walk past me and to the tree.

Quietly getting to my feet, I hit him across the back of the head. Him falling, I picked him up, flinging him over my shoulder.

Upon taking him with me, I kept thinking that he's the wrong Dylan. I'm not good at fractions, so I couldn't tell you out of these many people it could be him.

This would get Emily's attention, maybe, I really hope it does. I want her to see that he's not dead and that I brought him to her.

No! No no no no! Dammit brain, stop with the this will get Emily's attention thing! Stop!

Now I can say this. Finally, I opened to the door to the house. Closing it behind me, I called out to Jack and Emily. No replies. Maybe Jack's still out and Emily's in bed or with Jack.

Placing him on the couch, footsteps came down the stairs.

"What's going on? It's five in the morning. Are the cops coming to flush us out?" Emily's voice erupted, making me jump a little.

The One I Call Jack. (Eyeless Jack Story.)Where stories live. Discover now